Adventure According to Humphrey

Read Adventure According to Humphrey for Free Online

Book: Read Adventure According to Humphrey for Free Online
Authors: Betty G. Birney
he was a pirate.
    I couldn’t sleep a wink that night, not just because I’m nocturnal, but also because of all the strange goings-on.
    “Og, if I could go to the library, maybe I’d understand what everyone is talking about,” I told my neighbor.
    Og floated in the water side of his tank as if he didn’t have a care in the world. I flung open the door to my cage and came a little closer.
    “Wouldn’t you like to know what’s going on?” I squeaked loudly, just in case he hadn’t heard me before.
    He didn’t answer at all. He just floated around. Maybe he was sleeping, but who can tell with a frog?
    “I was thinking, maybe I should go down there and check things out,” I said, raising my voice even more.
    Still nothing from Og.
    Since I was already out of my cage, I decided to have a little adventure. Aldo would have gone home by now, so the coast would be clear. I slid down the leg of the table and scurried across the floor. The door was closed, sure, but I was able to squeeze under the bottom. After all, I’d done this before!
    The hallways of Longfellow School are always a little eerie at night. There are low lights on, and the street-lights shine through some of the windows. But it’s odd to be in a school with no children, no teachers and no principal.
    It doesn’t feel quite right.
    I hurried to the library, squeezed under that door—oops, a little tight—and there was that marvelous room filled with books. At first, it was SCARY-SCARY-SCARY because the fish tank had its lights blazing, so it glowed in a way that was pretty, but kind of ghostly. The colorful fish swam around in the bright blue water, and luckily, they didn’t look scary at all.
    It was cool in the library (maybe Mrs. Wright was right about the temperature being off). I walked up the big aisle between the shelves and the tables and stared up at the tank.
    The sunken ship was still there, and I have to admit, it fascinated me. Whose ship was it? A tiny pirate? A hamsterish fish? Or some creature of the deep I’d never heard of? I crept a little closer to get a better look. There was a series of shelves next to the desk. I found that if I reached up and pulled hard with all my might, I could raise myself from shelf to shelf until I reached the top of the desk.
    The light blazing from the fish tank blinded me for a second, and as I stumbled across the desktop, I stepped on something hard and lumpy.
    Like magic, a big screen in the front of the room lit up. I scrambled over the bumpy object and—whoa—pictures came up on the screen and music blared. I looked down and realized that I had been standing on a remote control with all kinds of buttons, one of which had turned on a television. But I forgot all about the remote when exciting music began to play. I looked up at the TV screen, and what I saw up there amazed me.
    The words on the screen spelled out Treasure Island. (I am so glad I learned to read!) There was the sea and a ship and a boy named Jim Hawkins. Before I knew it, I was watching an amazing adventure starring a pirate known as Long John Silver.
    Oh, and there was a parrot that squawked, “Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!” even louder than A.J. had. The bird had a sharp, pointy beak that I would NEVER-NEVER-NEVER want to come into contact with. And there were great big waves rolling up and down, up and down. As I settled down to watch, I accidentally hit another button and the movie started all over again. The words, the music, the parrot. And those waves rolling up and down, up and down until my tummy felt funny.
    This time, I didn’t wiggle a whisker. I sat quietly and watched the whole movie from beginning to end.
    It was one of the best nights I could remember, at least at Longfellow School.
    When it was over, I carefully tapped the remote control until the picture went off. Then I dashed back to Room 26, grabbed the cord for the blinds that hangs down next to my table and swung myself back up like I was swinging

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