A Tricky Proposition

Read A Tricky Proposition for Free Online

Book: Read A Tricky Proposition for Free Online
Authors: Cat Schield
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
skin tingled at the thought of just how intimate.
    “You don’t think I know that?”
    Jason’s velvet voice slid against her senses. Her entire body flushed as desire pulsed hot and insistent. How many times since her engagement ended had she awakened from a salacious dream about him, feeling like this? Heavy with need and too frustrated to go back to sleep? Too many nights to count.
    “Let me finish,” she said. “We know each other too well. We’re too comfortable. There’s no romance between us. It would be like brushing each other’s teeth.”
    “Brushing each other’s teeth?” he echoed, laughter dancing in his voice. “You underestimate my powers of seduction.”
    The wicked light in his eye promised that he was not going to be deterred from his request. A tremor threatened to upend the small amount of her confidence still standing.
    “You overestimate my ability to take you seriously.”
    All at once he stopped trying to push her buttons and his humor faded. “If you are going to become a mother, you don’t want that to happen in the sterile environment of a doctor’s office. Your conception should be memorable.”
    She wasn’t looking for memorable. Memorable lasted. It clogged up her emotions and made her long for impossible things. She wanted clinical. Practical. Uncomplicated.
    Which is why her decision to ask him to be her child’s father made so little sense. What if her son or daughter inherited his habit of mixing his food together on the plate before eating because he liked the way it all tasted together? That drove her crazy. She hated it when the different types of food touched each other.
    Would her baby be cursed by his carefree nature and impulsiveness? His love of danger and enthusiasm for risk taking?
    Or blessed with his flirtatious grin, overpowering charisma, leadership skills and athletic ability.
    For someone who thought everything through, it now occurred to her that she’d settled too fast on Jason for her baby’s father. As much as she’d insisted that he wouldn’t be tied either legally or financially to the child, she hadn’t considered how her child would be part of him.
    “I would prefer my conception to be fast and efficient,” she countered.
    “Why not start off slow and explore where it takes us?”
    Ming’s tongue went numb. Her emotions simmered in a pot of anticipation and anxiety.
    “I’m going to need to think about it.”
    “Take your time.” If he was disappointed by her indecisiveness, he gave no indication. “I’m not going anywhere.”
    Three days passed without any contact from Ming. Was she considering his proposal or had she rejected the idea and was too angry at his presumption to speak to him? He shouldn’t care what she chose. Either she said yes and he could have the opportunity to satisfy his craving for her, or she would refuse and he’d get over the fantasy of her moaning beneath him.
    “Jason? Jason?” Max’s shoulder punch brought Jason back to the racetrack. “Geez, man, where the hell’s your head today?”
    Cars streaked by, their powerful engines drowning out his unsettling thoughts. It was Saturday afternoon. He and Max were due to race in an hour. Driving distracted at over a hundred miles an hour was a recipe for trouble.
    “Got something I didn’t resolve this week.”
    “It’s not like you to worry about work with the smell of gasoline and hot rubber on the wind.”
    Max’s good-natured ribbing annoyed Jason as much as his slow time in the qualifying round. Or maybe more so because it wasn’t work that preoccupied Jason, but a woman.
    “Yeah, well, it’s a pretty big something.”
    Never in his life had he let a female take his mind off the business at hand. Especially when he was so determined to win this year’s overall points trophy and show Max what he was missing by falling in love and getting engaged.
    “Let me guess, you think someone’s embezzling from Sterling

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