A Stray Drop of Blood

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Book: Read A Stray Drop of Blood for Free Online
Authors: Roseanna M. White
is they that cause most of the grumbling these days.”
    “ Yes.” Dinah rinsed some vegetables. “There is much unrest. Andrew mentioned that another rebellion was discovered and quieted just last week.”
    “ I am glad that the master seldom has cause to be involved with such things. I understand our people’s cry for freedom, but at the same time, it is a good house we serve. Master is not a tyrant, even if Caesar is.”
    Dinah laughed. “Speak like that in the markets, and you will be turned over to the high priest for treason.”
    Abigail shared her smile. “Did Andrew mention who was leading this last uprising?”
    “ No, I do not believe he knew. I suppose no one mentioned it today?”
    “ No. The only thing of any interest was the gossip about that teacher.”
    “ You do not suppose he could be a rebel, do you? Simon heard that some are calling him the messiah.” Dinah picked up a knife and began cutting the greens.
    “ The news I heard about him has been more the complaining of the Sanhedrin than anything else. Apparently the man healed a cripple on the Sabbath or some such thing. Nothing to indicate that he is planning to free Israel from Rome.”
    “ Yes, well, Simon also said he is preaching spiritual rebirth and salvation, of all things. As if the Law is not enough for us.”
    Abigail retrieved a bowl from the shelf. “I have heard very little about him, to tell the truth. I suppose I will reserve judgement on the man.”
    “ Mm. Oh, is Vetimus coming tomorrow?”
    “ Yes,” Abigail replied. “I cannot wait to see little Claron again. The child gets more adorable every time I see him.”
    Dinah smiled in response. “The poor thing. I hate seeing someone so small with such an illness. To think he will never run with the other boys–”
    “ Do not bemoan his future yet.” Abigail borrowed Dinah’s tone for the reminder. “Perhaps he will grow out of it.”
    “ Or perhaps that teacher will heal him.” Her tone was sarcastic, a reprimand for Abigail’s reprimand.
    Abigail smiled. There were no words for a moment, just the methodic sounds of a busy kitchen. Dinah was the first to speak again. “I imagine Mistress and Master will be arranging your marriage soon.”
    “ What?” Her hands stilled, and her voice sounded flat and incredulous to her own ears.
    Dinah did not interrupt her chopping. “You will be in your fourteenth year in but a month. It is time for you to be a wife.”
    “ But I am a sl–”
    “ Surely you have caught on in the past years. Mistress did not want to procure a girl to serve here forever. She wanted a companion, a daughter that she could raise.” She finally stilled her hands and looked at Abigail. “She wants the best for you.”
    Abigail had no response. Certainly she knew that most young women her age were betrothed or married. But the very thought of leaving yet another home, one where she loved and was loved in return . . . it did not bear thinking about. “I need to check on the mistress.”
    It was the one excuse that Dinah would not argue with.
    Abigail found her mistress exactly where she left her. She put a small hand on Ester’s shoulder. The woman sighed at the touch but did not alter her unseeing gaze.
    “ It will be all right, will it not, Abigail? When my son returns, I will see that life has shaped him into a good man?”
    “ Of course,” Abigail replied dutifully. “Come now, Mistress, let us get you changed. You are meeting Mistress Julia for the midday meal, remember?”
    Ester sprang up. “I had forgotten! What would I do without you, Abigail?” She headed for her closet. “You go change yourself first. I will get everything ready in here.”
    Abigail knew Ester wanted a few moments to gather her wits again, so she obliged. She went to her little room and lit the lamp, more than happy to slip out of the course tunic she wore to the markets–it was her own rule, not Ester’s, that she be seen as a slave by the populace–and into

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