A Stolen Chance

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Book: Read A Stolen Chance for Free Online
Authors: Linda LaRoque
Tags: Contemporary, Paranormal, multicultural
interest, big grins on their faces. The biggest one, Joe, winked at her. She ducked her head. This was entirely too much attention. Just what she didn’t need.
    “Cut into those eggs and see if we got them right.”
    She picked up a wedge of toast and poked the yolk with the pointed end. They were cooked just as she liked them, with the white done but the yolk still runny.
    “They’re perfect.”
    “Good. Can I get you anything else? Ketchup? Hot sauce?” The warm depth and timbre of his voice washed over her body like a soothing balm. She wondered if the enticing resonance matched the man himself.
    “No. Thank you.” She chanced a sideways glance at him. Her heart thumped as she reached for her coffee cup. It rattled against the saucer. She caught it before it spilled. No one else seemed to notice. She chanced another peek. Of medium height, with dark hair and eyes the color of chocolate, he studied her intently, a smile tilting the corners of his mouth. Was he flirting with her? Flustered, she returned her gaze to her food and fumbled to unroll her napkin. Her silverware rattled as she grasped her fork.
    “Hey, Carson.” A woman at a far table spoke over the low hum of voices. “Turn on the television, will you?”
    He moved to the corner of the room and turned on the set placed high enough for the entire room to see. A weatherman graced the screen. From the colors and arrows on the U.S. map, it appeared the weather would be cold but not freezing today in the Albuquerque area. The same wasn’t true for the northern states, which were in for some arctic temperatures.
    She finished her meal while listening to the national news in the background. Nothing she hadn’t heard before. The DOW was down, oil prices increased, extreme weather conditions, and another pro athlete had been caught using drugs to enhance his performance. She rummaged through her purse for her wallet and removed a twenty. When she glanced at the television again, a reporter stood in front of a house fire.
    “Authorities think the explosion...home destroyed by fire...believe the body...that of Susan Lawton...”
    Susan couldn’t breathe. Fire? Her home destroyed? Body?

Chapter Four
    What the hell...
    The attractive woman rushed out the door like the cops were on her tail. She’d not even put on her coat but had simply thrown it over her arm. Carson strode to the window and peered out. Her camper van threw gravel as she sped out of the parking lot.
    He watched her head west on Route 66. Hope she knows the road ends in about a mile . Something had spooked her . He glanced at the television, trying to remember what stories had been broadcast. Darn. He’d wanted to find out if she lived around Siesta. Oh, well, too late now.
    The cold night air nipped at Carson’s ears as he stood under the stars waiting for Hans to finish his business. He stretched to ease the ache in his back. With the police force, he’d experienced both physical and mental fatigue. Working on your feet all day resulted in a different kind of tiredness, not necessarily good, either. Standing in one place was a lot harder than moving around. Plus, it wasn’t doing what he loved. Not that he hated it, but police work was his life, and he doubted he’d ever be content to stay here and work. But he’d promised Aunt Leona he’d give her and Uncle Buck some time off. Maybe he’d be able to work through his demons while doing so.
    He glanced around the courtyard, pleased at the glow of lights in windows and the occasional sound of a guest’s voice. All but the first cabin were occupied. Aunt Leona had said, twice, “Don’t fill number one unless you absolutely have to. The ghost lives in there, and he doesn’t like just anybody bunking with him.” She said people had been known to leave in a hurry in the middle of the night.
    Carson grinned. He’d spend some time in the cabin when he got the chance, put the spirit rumors to rest. He sighed. The raven turning up

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