A Soul For Atonement (The Soulbearer Series Book 4)

Read A Soul For Atonement (The Soulbearer Series Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read A Soul For Atonement (The Soulbearer Series Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Crista McHugh
Tags: Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, epic fantasy, fantasy romance
being a witch. Or worse, stuck in a Thallian work camp addicted to kokalla.”
    She rubbed her arms to stave off the shiver that threatened to wrack her body. The Thallians had destroyed so much of her homeland, but with her former lover, Kell, back on the throne, she believed Ranello would one day be restored to its former glory.
    The carriage slowed as the road ended in a grove of trees. Loku set the reins aside and helped her down. “Shall we get down to business?”
    “Please.” She crept closer to the trees. Ruby red apples hung from the branches, so ripe and tempting that she was reaching for one before she knew it.
    That is, until the leaves formed a snarling mouth that snapped at her fingers.
    Arden jerked her hand back and covered it, her heart pounding as she assured herself that she wasn’t missing any digits. They were all unharmed, but Loku’s boisterous laughter turned her fear into anger.
    “Be careful,” he said, his chest still shaking, “they bite.”
    “That warning would’ve been appreciated five seconds ago.”
    “Ah, but you see, you’re going about this the wrong way.” He leaned against one of the trunks and stroked the bark like he was petting a dog. The leaves rustled, and the branches relaxed into stillness.
    Loku reach up and plucked an apple, tossing it to her. “That’s how you calm them down.”
    She inspected the fruit for any hidden surprises like worms or internal rotting, but it was as perfect as an apple could be. Her mouth watered. She bit into the ripe flesh, letting the crisp sweetness fill her mouth. “How is it that the best apple I’ve ever tasted comes from Chaos?”
    His expression darkened into something seductive and devious. “There are a great many things you could enjoy here with me, my little Soulbearer.”
    A shudder coursed down her spine, and the apple lost its sweetness. Before she could ask what he meant, the levity returned to his grin, and he beckoned her to follow him deeper into the orchard of snarling trees.
    Arden pressed her arms to her sides and followed him, her nerves on edge from every branch that lunged at her.
    Loku, on the other hand, appeared as though this was nothing more than a stroll through a normal apple orchard. He stopped in front of a tree in the heart of the orchard and rubbed its trunk like he’d done earlier. A shimmering light flowed up from the roots to the leaves, bathing them in a silvery light. The tree froze, and Loku reached up to grab something from its branches. At first glance, it appeared to be another apple, but as he juggled it in his hands, she realized it was a large ruby.
    “So, you’d do anything to free Dev?” he asked, tossing the jewel from hand to hand so quickly that she couldn’t figure out what shape it was cut into. It was neither perfectly round nor square.
    She opened her mouth to say yes, but caught herself just in time. Loku was up to something, and if she agreed to his plan too quickly, she’d find herself at his mercy. She crossed her arms and tried to appear uninterested. “Depends.”
    “You disappoint me, Arden. Even before Dev professed his love for you, he still would’ve given his life to save yours. And you’re not willing to do the same for him?” He shook his head and started to turn around.
    “I said it depends.”
    He gave her a sly smile over his shoulder. “Your Milorian blood is starting to show.”
    “Yes, but my patience is starting to wane.”
    He chuckled and rolled the ruby over his shoulders from one arm to the other. “You could give Marist a run for imperial snobbery.” He popped the jewel up in the air from his shoulder and caught it, but not before she saw that it was shaped like a heart. “Perhaps we should be discussing ways to claim the throne for yourself.”
    “Loku…” she warned.
    “Oh, very well, let’s get down to business.” He wrapped his hand around the jewel and pointed a finger at her. “You need to find the Blood of Lireal to save Dev,

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