A Promise to Protect (Logan Point Book #2): A Novel

Read A Promise to Protect (Logan Point Book #2): A Novel for Free Online

Book: Read A Promise to Protect (Logan Point Book #2): A Novel for Free Online
Authors: Patricia Bradley
Tags: FIC042040, FIC042060, FIC027110
Leigh to pick up her son. How old had she said the boy was? He couldn’t remember . . . something about him being too old for a stuffed bear . . . Ben did the math. He hadn’t seen her in ten years, so the boy couldn’t be over eight or nine. Probably about his nephews’ age, and they were eight. Which meant she hadn’t pined away after that summer. Anyway, the boy might want to play on that Little League team that Andre kept trying to get Ben to help with—which wasn’t happening. Not now. Not ever.
    He took out the Boy Scout medallion and ran his finger around the edges. It wasn’t that he didn’t like kids, it was just that since Tommy Ray Gresham had drowned three years ago, Ben didn’t trust himself around them. Kids made him uncomfortable, even his own nephews.
    Another thing that was just as certain—he needed to keep his relationship with Leigh strictly business. Maybe he should let Wade shadow her. He sighed and slipped the medallion back in his pocket. But he had promised Tony to look after her himself. Being around her would be difficult. He still wanted to know what happened that summer when she wouldn’t take his calls, and he didn’t believe for one minute she broke up with him because she didn’t have time. Maybe he’d ask in the morning. Ben’s eyes drooped . . . Needed to stay alert . . .
    A light, flowery scent invaded Ben’s dreams as he walked a darkened path, searching for something he’d lost. Running water jerked him awake. Someone was in the kitchen. He was halfway off the couch when the aroma of freshly brewed coffee slowed him down. Leigh. She must be up already. He checked his watch. It was after seven.
    “Oh, good. You’re awake.”
    He looked around. Leigh stood at the door, dressed to go out.
    “Coffee’s on the counter. I’m going to pick up my son. You can let yourself out—I fixed the door so that it’ll lock behind you.”
    He scrambled off the couch, tucking his shirt in his pants. “Wait. I’m going with you.”
    “What do you mean, why? I told you last night I’d go. You don’t know who’s out there waiting for you.”
    “This is crazy, Ben. There’s no reason for anyone to be after me. I thought about it after I went to bed. Whoever broke in here was looking for a flash drive I know nothing about. It has nothing to do with me. And I can’t live my life in fear, and I certainly don’t want my son afraid. Houses get broken into every day. You deal with it and get on with your life. That’s what I’m trying to do here, and I don’t need your help doing it.”
    “What’s with you? What are you afraid of?” He touched his chest. “Me?”
    “No!” Her hands balled into fists. “I just want to be left alone. Please don’t be here when I get back.”
    Ben’s jaw dropped open as she turned and slipped out of the house. He snapped his mouth shut and raced after her, fumbling with the door and finally getting it open. He blinked in the bright sun. “Wait!”
    He’d almost reached her when the crack of a gunshot sliced the air. A bullet plowed the earth between them, then another crack. The next second seemed to last an hour. Silence filled his head except for the pounding of his heart. In slow motion, Leigh turned, her body silhouetted against the morning sun as she fell toward the ground. More dirt and rocks spit from the ground followed by another gun report. Leigh struggled to her knees, and he dove for her. “Get down!”
    Another bullet ripped the ground. They seemed to be coming from the hill across the road. Ben pulled his gun, firing three shots in that direction. Another bullet chipped the concrete walk before thudding into a tree beside the car. He shielded Leigh’s crouched body with his own and reloaded his gun as he scanned the hillside for the shooter. Nothing moved. Ben felt for his cell phone with his free hand, wishing he’d worn his radio. Something bigger than his .38 would be nice too. “Stay down. What’s

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