A Navy SEAL's Surprise Baby

Read A Navy SEAL's Surprise Baby for Free Online

Book: Read A Navy SEAL's Surprise Baby for Free Online
Authors: Laura Marie Altom
Tags: Romance
better than sex.”
    “Sounds to me like you’re not doing it right.” Heath high-fived Mason.
    Calder shot them both dirty looks.
    Cooper never stopped reading.
    “All I’m saying is I think I found a keeper.”
    “Don’t you mean Quinn found a keeper?” Deacon asked.
    “Who asked you, married man?”
    Finishing the last swig of his bottled water, Deacon shrugged. “Just pointing out that for a guy who hates female attachments, and considering this nanny’s only been on the job twenty-four hours, you’re sounding awfully content.”
    “What’s wrong with that? As long as I keep things professional with Pandora, I can see this working out for a nice long time. I do what I want. Quinn’s getting great care. It’s a win-win for all involved.”
    Heath snorted. “What’s the nanny getting out of it?”
    Calder winked. “The pleasure of seeing me.”
    “I T ’ S A LITTLE BARE , but it has good bone structure.” Natalie, in her official capacity as the owner of Earth Angels, the child-care agency Pandora worked for, finished her walk-through of Calder’s home and set her clipboard on the kitchen counter. “I know it’s only been one night, but how was it?”
    “Good.” Pandora held Quinn, waging a playful battle over who had control of her glasses. So far, the baby was winning.
    “Care to elaborate?”
    “It was very good. Awkward at first, but I guess that’s to be expected. Did you know Quinn was literally left on Calder’s doorstep? Calder’s only had him a few months.”
    “Whoa.” Natalie sat at the table. “Sure your new boss wasn’t pulling your leg? He certainly didn’t divulge any of that while filling out his paperwork. Sounds crazy.”
    “Tell me about it. Remember how when I first asked about Quinn’s mother, he put me off? I assumed they must’ve had a nasty divorce, but I never expected anything like this.”
    Quinn squirmed to be let down, so Pandora set him on the wood floor she’d cleaned earlier that morning.
    “Luckily, Quinn doesn’t show signs of abandonment issues.”
    “He did wake up around two last night. Seemed more interested in having a nice cuddle than a bottle.”
    “Poor thing....” Natalie shook her head, then sighed. “Well, I’ve got two more stops, then a mountain of paperwork back at the office, so I’d better go.”
    When she stood, Pandora gave her friend a hug. “Even though your stay was official, it was nice seeing you. We should do lunch.”
    “For sure. And didn’t you have a visit with Julia last Saturday? How’d it go?”
    “I wish. Her foster family rented a beach house, so we needed to postpone until this week.”
    Just thinking about seeing her daughter filled Pandora with anticipation, but also resentment. To her way of thinking, Julia should’ve been returned at least a year ago.
    “I know that look,” Natalie said with another quick hug. “Be patient. Before you know it, you’ll be spending every night going over homework and driving to soccer practice.”
    Pandora crossed her arms. “From your lips to God’s ears....”
    “Y OU ’ RE HOME EARLY .”
    In the entry hall, Calder shrugged. “A few guys were setting up a volleyball game down at the beach, but I wasn’t feeling it. You two, on the other hand, look like you’re having fun.” Pandora sat on the floor with Quinn, building a block tower. When she placed the last block on top, he knocked the whole thing down, shrieking and laughing with delight. In the short time he’d had his son, Calder had never seen him this happy, which produced a mixed bag of emotions. Part of him was thrilled with Quinn’s smile, but another side of him regretted not having been able to produce the same results.
    Pandora grinned up at him. “It’s looking more and more like your son is destined to become Master of the Universe.”
    “Sounds like a noble calling.” That was it. The last of anything witty he had to say. Pandora and Quinn were back to their two-person game and

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