A Healer's Touch

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Book: Read A Healer's Touch for Free Online
Authors: Ashlynn Monroe
soon as they stepped outside, he dialed his phone.  It was late but Ivory answered in a sleepy voice.
    “This is Fabian Sterlin g, there has been a problem, and those geeks living next door to Phoebe have ousted her to Willow Lake.  I want you to keep the boy at your home, hidden.  I don’t think it is a good idea for either of them to be out for a while until this can be swept under the rug.  We don’t need a witch-hunt all over again.”
    He listened for a while, and then said goodbye and hung up the phone.  Looking at the worn out woman, he spoke quietly.  “She said she was going to drive Simon to her house tonight and lock up for you.  Ivory agrees you should probably stay away until this thing goes away.”
    Tears fell from h er eyes as she cried out, “This will never just go away.  Fabian you don’t understand small towns have long memories; centuries of hating my family name will not just go away.  I have to get my son and leave town.”
    “You will do no such thing , Phoebe.  This will go away I assure you.  I do have a bit of influence and I know you don’t have an evil bone in your body.”
    She allowed Fabian to take her to his car.  Before they had even left the parking lot, she was fast asleep in the comfortable leather seat.

Chapter Five
    Phoebe woke up just as she felt him laying her down in a large soft bed.  Sleepy, but feeling a little better she reached out and pulled him down to her lips.  Phoebe kissed him but he did n’t respond.  When she pulled back and looked at him, she saw uncertainty.  .
    “I don’t want you to have regrets , Phoebe.  I don’t want you to sleep with me because you feel obligated or because you’re not thinking clearly from all your recent traumas.”
    Fire burned in her words and eyes when she spoke and the pitch of her voice rose with her anger.  She got up to kneel on the bed in front of him and she put her hands on his shoulders.
    “I don’t feel “obligation” or like this is some sort of payback.  I want you Fabian.  I don’t know what this thing between us is but I want you more than I’ve wanted a man in a very long time.  Stay with me Fabian, please.”
    Her soft plea broke his restraint and he groaned as he crushed her to himself.  Phoebe returned his kiss with a vigor she hadn’t realized she had inside her heart.  Her previous tired illness disappeared as her blood fired.  Roughly and with a desperate passion, he began to throw his clothing off.  Before long, he was naked.  Her mouth went dry as she looked at the masculine contours of his well-defined body and when they arrived at his very erect cock her gave a little gasp, wow it seemed the man had more than a big bank account, wowza was he hung.  She licked her lips and the simple act seemed to excite him further because he growled a very alpha-male-I-know-what-I-want growl.  Quickly but gently his hands removed her uniform top nimbly unbuttoning it as quickly as he could.  She saw his eyes darken with desire as he saw her pale flesh and the simple white cotton bra.  She wished she had a sexier and more appealing bit of lingerie on now, but from judging from the look on his face, he did not seem to mind her innocently simple choice.
    His fingers seemed practiced as he unhooked the bra and let it fall away from her firm perky breasts.  She saw him gulp for air and his large hands cup each of her breasts in his hands and he let his thumbs tweaked the nipples causing her to moan with the pleasurable sensation.  Fabian continued teasing her soft breasts and she felt herself growing very wet and very hot.
    He pulled her down back onto the bed and he had her simple dress pants and white cotton panties off in a fluid movement.  Leaning down, he scooped her up to a half sitting half-lying position as he kissed her.  When she felt his hand find the wet junction between her legs, she moaned as he began to rub her clitoris in hard small circles until she was moaning

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