A Brief Moment in TIme

Read A Brief Moment in TIme for Free Online

Book: Read A Brief Moment in TIme for Free Online
Authors: Jeane Watier
    “So why are you here?” Gavin inquired.
    “To help you remember.”
    Ryan’s response baffled him. “You’re here…because of me?”
    “You’ll understand soon enough,” Ryan responded, not really answering his question. “Things are going to get interesting, but just remember: you’re a powerful creator, and you’re in control of what happens to you. This is where life starts to get really fun.”
    Ryan had pretty much just repeated what Kate had told him in his dream. Gavin looked at the boy in shock, anxiety rising within him. He had no idea how to respond.
    What’s going on? he asked, hoping for some higher wisdom to reveal itself. Am I losing my mind? I have conversations with a woman in my head, and as if that’s not enough to get me committed, now this kid tells me the same things. Am I going crazy? Is this place finally getting to me? Gavin started to feel extremely uncomfortable. His pulse quickened, and he began to perspire.
    “You’re not crazy,” Ryan replied, somehow reading his thoughts. “All this and so much more is possible. Believe me. You’re getting out of here soon, and you wanted to know this to prepare you for what’s ahead. It might seem a little confusing now, but if you remember these things you’ll be okay.”
    What things? And how do you know when I’m getting out of here? Gavin tried to ask, but his throat wouldn’t let the words pass.
    The all-too-familiar panic that had been frequenting his dreams and tormenting his mind at night suddenly took over his body. Beads of sweat ran down his face, and his legs threatened to give out. His heart began to race as the room started to spin out of control. Soon people were yelling orders and moving all around him.
    He couldn’t recall what happened after that. He knew he must have blacked out, because he awoke in the prison infirmary with no memory of how long he’d been there or what time of day it was.
    When the double doors swung open, Gavin saw Kate walking toward him, smiling. She was a welcome sight; he couldn’t think of anyone he would rather see. Neither said a word for a moment. Then she reached out, gently touching his hand. “You’re going to be all right, Gavin. The doctor said that you had a panic attack. Is this the first time you’ve experienced anything like this?”
    “No.” He was relieved to finally tell Kate about the things that had been happening to him. “I wake up feeling like that almost every night.”
    “How long has this been going on?” She looked concerned.
    “A few weeks.”
    Kate frowned. “You’ve never mentioned anything about it in our sessions.” She was stating a fact; her tone held no rebuke. “Do you feel comfortable talking about it now?”
    “I wanted to mention it, but…”
    “You don’t need to explain, Gavin. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
    Gavin shook his head in response. He was eager now to share what had been troubling him.
    “Do you remember your dreams?”
    “I’m terrified and usually running from something. I know it has to do with the killing. I get that sickening feeling and often look down to see blood on my hands. But I don’t know what it means.”
    “Dreams are manifestations. They’re directly related to the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel every day,” Kate explained. “But they can be confusing, especially if we try to sort out the specific details. What’s important here, Gavin, is how they make you feel. Your dreams are representative of things going on in other areas of your life. Has anything changed for you in the past few weeks? Can you think of anything that might have triggered this?”
    The dreams had started soon after Ryan came to Swenton, but they also coincided with Kate’s rehabilitation program. And that, Gavin couldn’t understand. He looked at her, desperately wanting to tell her what he was feeling but not knowing how. Instead, he frowned and shook his head. “I…” he shrugged helplessly.

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