2 A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body

Read 2 A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body for Free Online

Book: Read 2 A Dyed Blonde and a Dead Body for Free Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
to the bakery and peered through the front window as Morris walked Dan inside. She watched as Dan paused in front of the counter. All evidence of the suicide had been removed, but Dan seemed to instinctively know the last spot where his mother had been.
    “How could this happen?” she heard him sob as he leaned on the counter for support. “Why didn't she just call me?”
    “I'm so sorry sir,” Morris said nervously, overwhelmed and uncertain as to how to comfort the man. Bekki drew back into the shadows when Dan turned to look out the front window of the bakery.
    “If only I had known,” he said sadly, staring through the thick glass.
    On the way to her house on Rose Hill Drive, she called Nick. After several rings she heard his voice mail message.
    “Nick, it's Bekki. Call me please,” she said swiftly. When she drove past Nick’s house she noticed that his car was not in the drive. Bekki’s house was dark when she entered it. The shadowy environment gave her a sudden flashback to walking into the back of the bakery. She tried to ignore the unease she felt in the pit of her stomach and flipped the hall light on. As she walked further into the house she dialed Nick's number again. Once again she got his voice mail. She was getting frustrated. She wanted to prove to him that there was a reason to suspect that Lydia had been murdered. She couldn't do that if he wouldn't answer her calls.
    "Nick," she pleaded. "It's really important, please, I need to talk to you. I've got real evidence that Lydia didn't kill herself. It wasn't a suicide Nick, I swear."
    She wondered where he could be, what he could be doing that he wasn't answering the phone. Then all at once she remembered. She was supposed to meet Nick for dinner. She glanced down at her watch to see that it was well after seven. The numbers on her watch suddenly blurred as a sharp pain flooded her head from the base of her skull. She was aware that something had struck her very hard from behind, and then her body collapsed to the floor as the pain overtook her. Through barely parted lashes she caught sight of a hand reaching down for the notepad that had landed on the floor beside her, then she was consumed by darkness.
    When Bekki woke up, the first thing she was aware of was severe pain. She felt as if her entire head was being beaten like a drum from the inside. The more she moved the harder the drumming. Reluctantly, she pushed herself up into a sitting position on the floor. She noticed the notepad was gone. A dazed glance at her watch showed that it was now well after midnight. She had been laying on the floor for hours. Shakily she dialed Nick's phone number. She pressed the phone against her ear and closed her eyes to hold back her tears.
    "Please answer," she whispered. As if he had heard her, Nick's voice came on the line.
    "Bekki?" he asked sleepily. "Are you okay?"
    "Someone attacked me," she murmured breathlessly. Suddenly she was aware that whoever had attacked her was likely Lydia's killer and could easily still be in the house. "Nick please, will you come over?" she asked. "I'm sorry, so sorry, please will you just…”
    "I'll be there right over," he assured her. "Are you safe now?"
    "I don't know," Bekki admitted fearfully.
    "Can you get up?" he asked. She could tell that he was running out of his house. "Can you walk to the door?"
    "I think so," Bekki whispered. She carefully got to her feet. She had to hold on to the wall to keep from losing her balance as her head swam with the effects of the blow to it.
    "Lock the door," he told her sternly. "Do not answer it for anyone but me."
    Bekki turned the lock and leaned her forehead against the front door. Each breath she took was laced with a new throb of her head.
    "I'm almost there," he promised her. She could see him crossing the distance between their houses through the small front window. The sight of him running towards her was such a relief that she felt a few tears slip past. She

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