
Read 045147211X for Free Online

Book: Read 045147211X for Free Online
Authors: Denise Swanson
with Ashley.”
    The Scumble River school district belonged to the Stanley County Special Education Cooperative, an entity that furnished them with programs and personnel, as needed. The cooperative provided social workers, occupational and physical therapists, speech pathologists, and teachers for low-incidence issues such as vision and hearing impairments. The co-op was also the watchdog that dealt with the bureaucratic red tape of special education funding.
    “You don’t provide services to the degree my daughter needs.” Mrs. Northrup crossed her arms. “I’ve asked and asked for more time, but Ashley never gets it.”
    “We do need to balance those extras against what she misses in the classroom while she’s with the therapists,” Skye explained.
    “That wouldn’t be a problem at Thorntree.” Mrs. Northrup’s expression was triumphant. “Academic instruction is presented either individually or in small groups, so Ashley would never miss anything.”
    “We can do that here.” Skye felt as if she were wading through a bowl of oatmeal. “But you wanted her mainstreamed.”
    She sympathized with Mrs. Northrup, but Scumble River High School was in full compliance with the rules and regulations, and Ashley was doing very well. There was just no way the board would approve the money for a private placement since they weren’t required by law to do so.
    “You don’t understand.” Mrs. Northrup scowled. “Thorntree does it all. There’s no sacrificing one thing for another. Social skills lessons are part of the daily curriculum, so Ashley’s social awareness and communication skills would improve organically.” The woman’s face reddened as she continued. “She’ll develop an understanding of others’ feelings, be taught calming techniques, and learn how to seek comfort from people instead of self-stimulating.”
    “That’s exactly what the co-op’s social worker and OT are working on with Ashley here.”
    “In isolation!” Mrs. Northrup shouted. “At Thorntree she can be on an athletic team and fully participate in extracurricular activities rather than be parked on the sidelines. In this school, there’s only one club where she can completely take part in the activities. At Thorntree they use the students’ strengths to teach them to interpret their environment.”
    “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Homer lumbered up from his desk and said, “We get it.” He reminded Skye of the Wookiee from Star Wars . Not only because of his lumbering movements and his large frame, but also because of the hairthat enveloped him from head to foot. His eyebrows were bushier than her cat’s tail, wiry strands poked from his ears like the filaments in lightbulbs, and a coarse pelt covered his arms and hands. Clumps even pushed out between the buttons of his shirt. “This private school is God’s gift to all the handicapped little kiddies. How much does it cost?”
    “Differently abled student,” Skye quickly corrected before Ashley’s mother exploded.
    “Whatever.” Homer waved his hand. “We’re providing an appropriate education, correct?” Skye nodded, and he swung his massive head in Mrs. Northrup’s direction. “In that case, we’re not paying an arm and a leg to send the girl to this fancy school.”
    “Fine.” Mrs. Northrup rose to her feet. “Ashley is going to Thorntree with or without the school’s blessing.” She flung a sheaf of papers onto Homer’s desk. “Here are the signed forms. I expect her file to be transferred before the end of business today.”
    After the parent had slammed out of the office, Homer sank back into his chair, put his arms behind his head, and said, “That went well.”
    “Are you out of your mind?” Skye pressed her lips together and ducked her head. Shoot! Note to self. Just because it comes into my brain doesn’t mean it should be allowed out of my mouth. “What I meant to say was that we’re going to get hit with a due-process hearing. You’d better

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