Zombified (Episode 3): Garden Harbor

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Book: Read Zombified (Episode 3): Garden Harbor for Free Online
Authors: Matt Di Spirito
Tags: Zombies
    "Hey!" One of the women called from the roof.  "We have a rope ladder—hold on!"
    As they unraveled and lowered the ladder, a pack of sprinting zombies rounded the corner of the loading dock and charged at the station wagon.
    Matty whipped out the .40 caliber, braced his arms on the car hood, and fire four quick shots into the galloping munchers.  Two went down in fountain of blood, heads popped by the heavy rounds; two others spun and tumbled to the pavement with sickening cracks.
    "Dana!" Joey handed her the ladder and slapped her on the ass.  "Get up there, right now!"  He took aim with the 9mm and brought down two more. 
    Three of the undead survived the initial barrage and crashed into the station wagon, climbing over the hood and spinning around the front bumper to get at Joey and Matty.
    Matty planted a boot in the first one's midsection, sending it flying back into the concrete wall below the overhead doors; he put a round in its head before turning to face the second.  The third zombie had bolted past the car and dove at Joey; two rounds tore a hole in its shoulder and jaw, but it pressed the attack.
    Joey swung the pistol into the zombie's skull, crushing bone and sending blood shooting out the ears: it hit the asphalt at Joey's feet and twitched. 
    Matty sidestepped the last muncher and kicked it in the back, sending it crashing against the wagon; pressing the barrel to its forehead, Matty pulled the trigger and splattered brain across the rear window.
    "I'm up!" Dana yelled from the roof.  "There are more coming, guys!  Get your asses up here!"
    "It might not support both of us," Matty said.  "Toss me the nine and get moving."
    Joey hesitated for a moment then handed Matty the gun and started climbing.  He was halfway up when a throng of walking dead filtered into the loading area.
    "Dana!" Matty raised both guns, one in each hand. "You might have mentioned there was a couple hundred more coming!"
    "My bad!  The next group looked so much bigger, so I didn't think the first one would have that many!"
    Matty glanced up and scowled at Dana.  "Next group?"
    "Yeah," she pointed off towards the main parking lot; "there's a freakin' mob of them, like ten times the size of this one."
    Fuck me .  Matty started firing as the first staggering zombies veered around the wagon.  Aiming carefully, each round took down a target, creating a sandbag-like barrier of corpses at both ends of the car.
    "I'm clear!" Joey called.
    Matty emptied both guns and then dashed for the ladder.  He stuffed the spent weapons in his belt and leapt onto the metal rungs; faster than he thought possible, Matty scaled the loading dock wall.  As he neared the top, a bout of vertigo crept up and paralyzed him on the ladder.
    "What are you doing?" Joey peered over the edge.  "Quit fuckin' around, man!"
    "I need a moment."  Matty closed his eyes and breathed slowly; he had reached a point of calm when the ladder thrashed violently, swinging side to side and slapping against the concrete building.  The .40 caliber pistol slipped from Matty's belt and fell, but he managed to snag it.
    "You need to suck it up and climb, Matty." Joey gripped the ladder and tried to hold it steady, but there were too many of them shaking it from the bottom. 
    "All right!" Matty closed his eyes and climbed slowly, reaching out and feeling for the next rung before moving any other part of his body; his hands ached from maintaining a white-knuckle grip on the metal bars.  "Shit! Fuck! Bitch! Mother puss buckets!" Profanities dribbled from his lips at a rapid-fire pace. 
    Several pairs of hands seized his shirt and pulled him the remaining distance.  He collapsed on the roof and kissed the sun-scorched concrete. 
    "Um, is he going to be okay?" One of the women asked; she pushed a lock of bleach-blonde hair over one ear and pointed at Matty.
    "I'll be fine," he answered, pushing off the ground and springing to his feet.  "I fucking hate heights and I

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