
Read Zomb-Pocalypse for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Zomb-Pocalypse for Free Online
Authors: Megan Berry
Tags: Zombies
to Abby and throw her a bag to begin helping me load everything up.
    She lets it fall to the floor and then just stares at it.
    Anger floods through my entire body. I stomp angrily over to her and get in her face. “What are you doing? We have to get out of here.”
    She just shrugs, and I feel my temper snap. I reach out and slap her hard across the face.
    She looks stunned and stares at me with wide, watering eyes as she grips her cheek.
    “I’m sorry,” I say, but then change my mind. “No, actually, you deserved that. Are you trying to get yourself killed? Or get me killed?”
    She starts to shake her head, but I’m done letting her get away with this pity party any longer.
    “You are going to get us killed. Your parent’s gave up everything trying to keep you safe. If they could see you now, do you think they would be happy that you are sitting here like a damn zombie before you even turn into one, which you will, if you don’t start acting like you have a will to live.”
    Tears are running down her face, and I’m openly crying now too. “I love you Abby, you are like the sister that I never had. If something happens to you, it will destroy me.”
    Suddenly, the quiet is shattered by the sound of bullets roaring from the roof top. The sound seems to wake her up a bit.
    “I lost my parents too.” The admission pulls a ragged sob from my throat, but I quickly cut it off and wipe my sleeve across my runny nose. “At least you know what happened to yours.”
    Abby stands up and hugs me tightly, “I’m sorry Jane.”
    I give her a quick squeeze back before pushing her away. “I’m sorry too, but let’s honor their memory by trying our hardest to stay alive.”
    Abby nods and actually bends down to pick up the bag I had tossed to her.
    We start with the most important things, stuffing the ammo and spare handguns into the bag along with a few lightweight food items we had set aside. I look around, and there isn’t much in the room that we need. We already packed the other stuff outside yesterday. I grab a fire poker with a pointy metal end from beside the wood stove. 
    The bark of the guns seems to go on forever, and pounding begins in earnest on the front door. Abby and I huddle together with our bags slung over our shoulders. I am tempted to dig in the bag and pull out a pistol, but I don’t even know how to tell if it’s loaded or not, so it would probably just get me killed.
    The guns finally go silent after what feels like a hundred years, and then Megan and Ryan are pounding down the stairs, guns still in their hands.
    “Everything okay down here?” Ryan asks, he seems a little out of breath.
    Abby and I both nod.
    Megan notices Abby up off the couch and smiles despite the seriousness of our situation.
    “We got most of them, but there are a few bunched up right at the front door that we couldn’t hit because of the overhang of the roof.”
    His words chill me. I do not want to be battling a bunch of zombies to get out of this house.
    “Let’s go out one of the windows instead,” I blurt out as the idea occurs me.
    It’s actually a pretty great idea. The window in the bathroom is on the opposite side of the house and is large enough for us all to squeeze out. Ryan goes first and peers out as best he can before sliding it open. It squeals a bit, and I feel like my heart is up by my tonsils. He carefully pokes his head out. I’m terrified that, at any minute, a zombie is going to pop up and rip it off.
    “All clear,” he whispers as he jumps down. He does a three-sixty scan of the area before turning around and helping Megan down. Abby goes next. Finally, it’s my turn. His hands wrap around my waist and pull me from the window like I weigh nothing.
    “Let’s go,” Ryan says, once again taking the lead.
    We follow him single file, creeping along. It is terrifying. When we come around the side of the house, we see four rotting corpses still huddled around the door. Their moans cover up

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