Zero 'g'
groups before
he saw Henry. Linus was filled with relief at the sight of him. He
wasn’t sure how Henry got there , but he couldn’t have been happier to see him. The world
might be falling apart, but he was sure that Henry would know what
to do.
    “ Linus ! Oh, man! How
did you get here?” Henry shouted.
    “ Luck, that’s all I have to
say. I can’t believe you are here. I thought you were flying out
    Henry laughed . “I was!
I jumped from a plane, man. How did you get here?”
    “ Funny you should ask.
I jumped from a train. Do you know what is going on here? This is
messed up.”
    “ No idea. But it has something to do with the gravity. This
is Carly , by the way. She
works at NASA with my dad, and this little guy is David. We don’t
know where his parents are.”
    “ So , what’s the plan
here, Henry? I know you must have one, so let’s hear
    “ We need to get close here , Linus. Strapping ourselves together like this is the best
way to stay suspended for the longest.”
    “ Yeah , OK, no problem.”
Linus made his way over to the group and wrapped himself around
Carly. It was awkward at first, but after a while, it became
comforting knowing they were all working together to stay alive.
That was what was most important, after all. They would stick
together no matter what until the world got back to normal again…if
it ever did.
    “ Now what?” Linus
    Henry looked over his shoulder at
Carly and Linus. “We need to go back into the NASA
    “ What? No, I don’t think that’s a good
idea ,” Carly
    “ We don’t have a choice. I need to find my dad. He’s in
there , and he’s the key to
this. I just know it. He would know what to do, how to handle all
this. It’s the only way. We have to go back in.”
    Carly was silent for a moment. “I think I might know where
there is a suit that would help me walk through the halls. Maybe if
I could get to it , I could
move around freely inside.”
    “ That’s a good
    “ So , how are we going
to get ourselves back inside? It was hard enough getting
    Henry smiled. “Well , I
just so happen to have a parachute handy. I think I know of a way
we can get back inside.”
    Carly nodded . “OK,
let’s do this.”

    The four of them
noticed a small window broken in the NASA building and squeezed
inside with the parachute.
    The y found themselves
on the ceiling of an office in the middle of chaos. Not much had
changed since Carly had been in the building except that there were
a lot more people floating around in the air. The level of alarm
around them was so strong that it put Carly on edge immediately.
People were panicking and screaming, and it was hard to focus on
moving around when there was so much going on around them. The
child who was in her care just continued to huddle against her. He
seemed frightened by all the screaming, and she had to wonder where
the kid’s parents were. How did he find himself in the NASA
building alone? She couldn’t imagine Rose in a similar situation,
and it was in that moment that she was suddenly struck with fear.
She had no idea what had happened to her mother and daughter. Were
they OK? She wasn’t sure what she would do if anything had happened
to them. She was powerless, however, for the time being. She
couldn’t exactly float across the city to find them. She needed to
get a handle on things here and try to put a stop to what was
happening if she could. That was the best way to make sure that her
family would be safe. Carly couldn’t allow herself to think about
Rose, or she would go insane. Her mother would do everything in her
power to keep Rose safe—Carly knew that much. There was no need to
worry; she would get to them as soon as she could. In the meantime,
she had a few lives already in her hands.
    There were so many items floating in the air from the
offices. Carly had to dodge a massive desk that floated
right toward her.

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