Christ’s help, to get past anything that falls along the path of your life.
Imagine, for a moment, going out to battle. When you think of a battle, would you think of green pastures, balloons, little children playing and having a good time? No. When people think of a battle, they think of war, bloodshed, fighting, tactics, leadership, ranks, and, hopefully, victories. This quest that we are on is a battle. A battle to win the war that Satan has created down here on Earth. Satan has created the Earth to be dark, dreary, violent, sinful and confusing.
Our Heavenly Father knew this before He sent us to Earth. He knew we would need whatever He could possibly give us (without taking away our free agency) to win this war. He, like a general, would not send out his troops (heirs to the Kingdom) to fight a war without the necessary protection to win it. With that said, I believe God not only gave us the strengths, talents, and gifts to overcome anything we would encounter, but He also took into account everything when deciding the trials we would face. I believe that before He sent out His princes and princesses on their quest, the King of the land, God, gave them knowledge of what they would face—or at least the big things they would face—on their quest. In other words, I believe each of us knew about and agreed to the trials we would face in order to prove ourselves worthy to live with God again.
Why would we agree to do that? Any good leader or general of an army prepares his troops for war the best that he can (trials) before sending them out. No general can prepare for everything they might encounter (challenges), but he can prepare them for the most obvious of what they would encounter (trials). Therefore, each of us was made strong enough for anything that we would and could encounter on our quest back home. In 1 Tim. 4:14, “Neglect not the gift that is in thee…” states we are given the gifts necessary to overcome trials and challenges.
Trials and Challenges
As heirs to the Kingdom of God, we must prove ourselves worthy to return home and claim our reward. To prove ourselves worthy we must be tested, though not all tests have to be surprises. As our Heavenly Father sent us on this quest, He equipped us with what we needed for the unique trials each of us must face to show Him we will still believe and want to come home.
What is a trial? A trial is something I believe we accepted in the Preexistence. It will help prove ourselves to God, make us stronger, build character and allow others to assist us on Earth (i.e., cancer, loss of a limb, chronic pain, fatherless, poor neighborhood…).
A challenge, on the other hand, is something that afflicts us due to our poor choices or the choices of others. (i.e., being raped, bullied, beaten, taking drugs, joining a gang…).
Trials are what we accepted in the Preexistence, while challenges are caused by free agency, though God uses both for our learning and growth. Our Heavenly Father will give us what we need, when we need it during each part of our quest. For example, if we get poisoned along the way, He will give us an antidote (atonement). If we get wounded along the way, He will teach us how to bandage it up (forgiveness). If we lose our way because the darkness that surrounds us, He will give us a huge flashlight to light the way (the light of Christ).
When each of us was placed on Earth to fulfill our quest, we came prepared with our own set of gifts, as stated in 1 Cor. 12:4, “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit,” for our own set of trials. When our Heavenly Father handpicked each of our trials for our learning and growth, He made sure we would also be equipped with what was needed: the strength, talents, and gifts to conquer and overcome any trial. Our trials can sometimes look like weakness, illness, mental problems, family problems, success, loneliness…For example, let’s say, along your path you face needing to climb a