Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax

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Book: Read Your Heart to Keep: Holly and Jax for Free Online
Authors: Amanda Mackey
silently cringed. What was that in her tone? Was she flirting back? I could almost hear her eyelashes fluttering as she spoke. I knew my brother was a looker but seriously? In the ICU? Ugh. Time for a change of subject.
    “So, how are Mom and Dad holding up? They have been home, haven’t they?”
    “They’re doing a lot better knowing you’re okay. Once we found out you were out of surgery and responding well to the new heart we all took off and got a few hours of shut-eye. We came back last night for a while and just sat outside and then returned again this morning. I would have brought something for you but nothing’s allowed in ICU.”
    “That’s okay. There is nothing I need. I have my new heart and I have you here.”
    “Aww, pip-squeak you’re too good to me. You know that, right?”
    “I know.” I tried my best not to laugh. Not only might I pop a couple of stitches but it would bring about unwarranted discomfort on top of what I already had. “So, how’s University treating you?”
    “Good. I miss you guys but Cali is nice. Way different from Colorado. My football coach is really happy with me. He thinks I’ve got loads of potential.”
    “Of course. And why wouldn’t he?” I smiled.
    “You’re just biased, sis!”
    “Ha. Not biased. I just know how hard you’ve worked for this. I’m really glad you’re getting some good feedback.”
    “You gonna go back to the braille school?”
    “I am. It means so much to me. I’m taking a month off but hopefully by that stage I’ll be rearing to go.”
    “Nothing can keep you down, short stuff.” He let go of my hand. “Oh, before I forget, Mom gave me these to give to you seeing as though I was the first one through the doors. Here give me your wrist.”
    I leaned slightly towards him, placing my right wrist across the bed. Carefully he lifted it and placed my watch back on, tightening the band for me. It was great to have the familiar comfort of a personal effect, back.
    “Lean forward. I’ve got your pendant too. It was urgent I get it back to you. Mom said you’d be pining for it.”
    I’d forgotten all about my necklace and was thrilled that I was now able to wear it again. Ty fixed it in place, my hands automatically clasping the amethyst and rubbing. I sent a silent word of thanks to God for getting me through my ordeal.
    “I hate to break up this party but it’s time for you to go. We limit our visits for each family member to a short time so that our patients get plenty of rest,” Heidi cut in.
    “Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me stay a little longer?” His voice was sugary sweet.
    Oh hell! I could hear the innuendo with that one. I’m right here! Hello? Time to go Ty.
    “No, now scoot before I have to show you my ugly side.”
    “Aww, I’m sure even your ugly side is gorgeous.”
    That was it! “You know what, Ty? It’s been really great having you come visit me but I really need to see Mom and Dad!”
    He was laughing hard, “Okay. Okay! I can take a hint. I’ll leave for now but I’ll be back.”
    I didn’t know what Heidi was thinking. I’m sure if she knew my brother was returning she would make herself scarce or find someone else to take over her shift.
    He kissed me again and whispered, “Great to see you, Hols. Love you to the stars and back.”
    And with that, his attempt at flirting with the nurse was forgiven and forgotten. “I love you too, Ty.
    Both parents visited next. Even though the rule was one person at a time, I was starting to tire again so the nurse bent the rules and allowed them both in so that I could sleep once they departed.
    “Hey, pumpkin!” Dad declared as he walked in.
    “Hi, darling,” my mother soothed. “It’s so good to see you awake. We weren’t sure how long you’d be out of it.”
    “Hey. It’s nice to finally be allowed visitors. I don’t know how long I’ll be awake for though. I’m fighting sleep right now.”
    “Well, we won’t stay long. We just

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