Yiddish for Pirates
continued. “I myself am bound for the studio of Bartholomeo, my brother, whose maps grace the courts of popes and philosophers, the chambers of captains and kings.”
    One could do worse than follow the route of one who makes maps. Besides, these several months past Moishe had sought to chart a course from shtetl cart to court cartographer.
    We agreed that we would set out together, the three of us, once Moishe had regained himself.

    The pickling in the ocean had changed Moishe.
    Azoy bald —so soon?
    Ay, it was a kind of briny baptism.
    “From now on, like a knife in a boot, I’m keeping my Jewishness hidden,” he said. “It’s safer if no one knows. So, nu, I need a new name.”
    “Miguel,” I said. “It’s Spanish and Portuguese. But you need a last name too. You can’t be Miguel Ben Chaim.”
    “So what should I be?”
    “Rich. But in the meantime, you could try Levante. It means ‘where the sun rises’: the east.”
    Moishe tried it out. “Miguel Levante. Yes. I could be him,” he said.
    It was late in the morning when we began walking the road to Lisbon. Or rather, they walked and I rode on my now customary shoulder.
    The sun was a gold piece against the smooth ocean of sky. The three of us, having nothing, carried nothing, save Columbus’s charts and Moishe’s book, concealed in a shouldersack worn under the clothes like a prayer shawl. My tatterdemalion companions appeared washed up, dredged like seaweed from the bottom of the sea. I, adorned in my usual crepuscular feathers, appeared no different than if I were a parrot king dressed for his coronation. By noon we needed a nosh, so stopped at a farmhouse to beg some bread.
    The farmer eyed us suspiciously.
    Moishe was dark, curly haired, but as long as he did not speak he was no more Jew than Portuguese. His head was uncovered—ach, he had no hat, remember?—and his clothes were faithless rags. Columbus was bedraggled, yet his supercilious bearing impressed the farmer and so he believed our story. “Just this morning, we were beaten and robbed on our way to an audience with the King.”
    “And he,” I said, indicating Moishe with a nod of my beak, “lost his hat.”
    The farmer brought bread, grapes and wine to the table. Miguel, under his breath, made the brocheh for both bread and drink. Soon, his inner Moishe would learn to sound like someone else.
    Who better than a parrot to teach such a thing?

Chapter Two
    A cool night breeze. We sat outside the farmer’s cottage with Columbus and a flagon of the farmer’s wine. The self-actualized liberators of libation, we’d helped ourselves, for as Rabbi Hillel said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” The ancient sage clearly knew a thing or two about schnapps.
    Moishe set a bowl of wine on the sandy ground. I drank.
    “They say that I shall be nothing but viceroy of a continent of water, an admiral of seaweed and fishes only, but I have studied the maps. I have made the calculations.” Columbus spoke as if he could guarantee a thing by speaking boldly.
    He explained his plan to sail west across the Ocean Sea to Cathay, Cipangu, and the lands of the Great Khan.
    “I have studied the ancients. Their books mark out the miles—the Ocean Sea is not so large as we imagine. If we approach from the west, we do not need to crawl like Polo over the hackles of the world.”
    Columbus spoke of Marco Polo’s account of his travels. A book, written while Polo was imprisoned, had been later chained to the Rialto Bridge in Venice so all could read its marvels.
    “I will spend some years attaining complete mastery of the ways of the tides and winds. I will sail to Thule, to Galway, and south to the new territories of Africa. And then I shall seek a king who will provide me ships and the mariners to sail them, and who shall grant me governance of the new lands that I shall discover on my great voyage.”
    Of course he would stand astride the world. With such beytsim, he could bring his legs

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