Xander vol.1 Transmutation
matter, Xander,” she warned.
    “ Would I be bringing it up
to you if it
    Aredelle turned from him
to face the mirror, her hand clutching her necklace’s sapphire
stone that rested on her collarbone. Her mind was changing. Xander
could see it. In what direction, he wasn’t sure.
    “ Where is your father?”
she asked him, glancing at the chamber’s doors.
    “ What are you going to
    “ We’ve got to tell Vida,”
Aredelle insisted, facing Xander again. “Have Saphora go
    “ Go back ?” Xander scoffed. “You really think Vida is
going to let Saphora go back to Earth after only finally getting her
    “ Hydra, then,” Aredelle
countered, the growing panic evident in her voice.
    “ And then what? How is
Hydra going to bring back all of their ships? If she lands on that
planet with a ship bigger than our smallest, she’ll raise alarm.
And she can only fly one back at a time,” Xander
    “ We’ll send others with
    “ If you send a fleet, do
you not think it will cause the same thing?” Aredelle frowned at
the problem that had presented itself. “Let me go. I can hold the
ships to ours with my magnetic pull. And if I can’t, I can rip them
apart. Store them in the cargo of the ship, and reassemble them
upon our return.”
    Aredelle grumbled, turning
away from him with a shake of her head. Her hands squeezed at her
biceps as she crossed her arms.
    “ Loni can trace the scent
of where they’ve been and find our tech.”
    Aredelle’s eyes darted
about the room as her mind raced. She stepped to one side, then to
another, all the while holding her arms close to her. Xander was
patient, letting her brain work out the needed kinks. He watched
with a held breath, hoping that his reason proved to be good
enough, and that she would allow him to go. Because while his
reason was a very valid one – Xander indeed wanted to explore.
Finally, Aredelle turned to face him again, her frown even more
    “ Go get your

Chapter 6

    “This is where she lived ,” Loni groaned
with an obvious layer of disgust as she carefully trekked through
Fran’s house, closely behind Xander who was exploring without a
care in the world. She tiptoed around the wood floor while Xander
stepped freely.
    Xander chuckled, giving a
nod as he looked around the living room of the house, his eyes
catching each and every picture and every piece of décor. He was
consumed by the indulgence of his curiosity as he ventured future,
his excitement getting the best of him.
    He was finally on another
planet. He was finally seeing more of the galaxy as his father had
told him he would. And even though he was merely in Fran’s living
room, it was almost too overwhelming for him to take. He found
himself wanting to touch and feel everything. Wanting to go out and
explore the area around him. See the humans in their natural
    “ I know. Just look at it,” Xander
mused, not bothered by the appearance in the slightest. Loni
    “ To think the princess was living in
such a place,” Loni said in disapproval.
    Xander gave the room
another once over before heading towards the kitchen.
    “ It’s small,” he agreed.
“But I’m almost positive that the woman that raised her was not
royalty, Loni.”
    “ Regardless,” Loni argued.
“You couldn’t possibly raise an Athenian, let alone an Ekechi in a
home such as this.”
    Xander rolled his
    “ She wasn’t an Ekechi
while she was here. Heck, she wasn’t even an Athenian. She was a
human with extraordinary gifts.”
    Just then, there was a
rattling coming from a corner of the kitchen. Both their heads
snapped in its direction. Xander’s brows were raised in wonder,
while Loni’s were furrowed in what almost looked like
    “ What was that?” she
asked, scuffling over to huddle against Xander, peaking from behind
his arm in the direction that the noise had come from.
    Xander gave a light shrug
as he

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