Wolver's Rescue
behaviors were common displays within the company of
other wolvers, but absolutely taboo in front of the fully human. If
left unchecked, these wolvers could eventually devolve into
killers, too.
    Bull hunted them, as well. As long as they
hadn’t developed a taste for killing people, he eliminated the
problem by removing all humanity from the wolver and forcing them
into a permanent wolf state. Bull’s ability to do this was the same
power as any pack Alpha’s. Releasing them into the wild carried its
own risk, but that risk applied only to the newly made wolf and not
the whole species. The feral would adapt and survive, or die. Based
on past experience, Bull figured the odds for survival were against
them, but the alternative was no chance at all.
    According to Eugene Begley, Thomas Bane fell
into the second category and it was important Bull find him before
he had a chance to move up to the first.
    The wolver female sitting on the edge of the
bed knew something about Bane; where he was, or what had happened
to him. The first page of Begley’s info packet, which was all Bull
ever read, was marked ‘origins unknown’, so there was no place to
begin his search. The woman was the only lead he had. He couldn’t
decide what to do with her until he had the information on
    She was in a fragile state and her sudden
withdrawal could be a sign of shock. To escape one hell hole only
to find yourself in another was one shitty way to spend the day. He
got that, but it couldn’t be helped. Not only did she hold clues to
Bane’s whereabouts, but she posed other questions that needed to be
answered. Like what the hell he was supposed to do with her.
    The conditions he’d found her in worried him.
Why was she in that place to begin with? What was the purpose of
that cage? Who was the doctor in charge? How much did he know and
what did he want?
    If she were a male, he could threaten to beat
the answers out of her. He was big and bulky enough so the threat
was usually enough, but he’d never minded following through on the
threat if he had to. Unfortunately, she wasn’t a male. In the
twenty years he’d worked for Eugene Begley, he’d never had to track
a feral or close-to-feral female. He didn’t know where to
    Primal Law protected her, and while he didn’t
mind bending the rules, he didn’t break them, so beating the shit
out of her was a no-go. Which left him with a fucking blank. How
the hell do you coerce a woman into cooperating without shouting or
raising your hand? He didn’t have a clue. For the first time ever,
he wished he had a little more experience with the silly creatures
outside of the bedroom.
    He’d learned early on that women didn’t
respond well to the I’m-horny-let’s-fuck approach even when it was
obvious that’s what they were feeling, too. Women were irrational
creatures who liked to play games. To get a woman into bed required
a smile, a few winks and a nod, followed by idiotic small talk. A
little flattery didn’t hurt either. It was ridiculous, but not
difficult. Getting them into bed was the easy part. The hard part
was getting them out of it.
    Bull began to smile. Maybe the same tactics
would work to get him the information he needed. God knew, she
probably got little or no male attention even at the best of times.
Smile, nod, small talk, flattery. He could do this.
    He looked at the filthy creature sitting on
the bed.
    First he’d have to find something to talk
about. ‘Do you come here often’ wasn’t going to cut it. Next, he’d
have to find something to flatter. ‘Looking good, babe’ wasn’t
going to cut it, either.
    And maybe throw in a little food to sweeten
the pot. Her skin was drawn too tightly across her face, but sagged
everywhere else, though by the looks of her, she most likely hadn’t
had much meat on her in the first place. His first impression was
that she was short. Looking at her now, he realized that it wasn’t
her height, but her delicate build

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