Winter's Knight

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Book: Read Winter's Knight for Free Online
Authors: H.J. Raine, Kelly Wyre
“He’s almost as skilled as me.”
Something dark flashed across Shea’s expression, and Lucian stepped closer to the pair, fingertips brushing Shea’s back, and, to his delight, he felt a shakingShea leaninto the touch.
“Not so sure about that,” Lucian said. “After all, I obviously didn’t give him enough time to find a decent tux.”
“Yes, what is this Hulk impression you’re doing, dear?” Ginger asked, but sighed and continued before either man had the chance to retort. “I’ve read allabout this competitive gay sub-culture of yours. Aman has to pay more attention to appearances than any woman I know.”
“I’ma construction worker, Mom. Muscles kind of help with that.” Shea glanced askance at Lucian. “My whole wardrobe consists entirelyofjeans and t-shirts.”
“Even those can be fitted,” Lucian commented. “Though you do manage to make off-the-rack look desirable.”
White teeth flashed, and a smile relaxed taut muscle and touched the edge of Shea’s eyes. “Thank you.” He looked down at the too-long cuffs, the pants that needed a belt to stay up, and the dress shirt that someone could have mistaken for a tent. “Sorry. Best I could do on a day’s notice. The corner tailor just laughed in disbeliefwhen he saw my old tux next to me, and the rentalplace could onlyhemthe pants.”
“It’s good to see you here,” Lucian said, and Ginger’s knowing grin and quick glances between the two ofthemwere not wasted onLucian.
“Well. I should go find your father. Tell him not to interrupt you two. I expect results soon, Luke,” Ginger said, pointinga pink nailat Lucian.
“I’ll do my best to get him to agree to the terms,” Lucianreplied seriouslyand thenadded, “Mom.”
Ginger beamed, hugged them both with more motherly advice that Lucian didn’t note and that made Shea grumble, and dashed away in a crinkle of bad fabric.
“Terms?” Shea eyed Lucian with a suspicion spoiled bya glint ofhumor inone gold eye.
“Just the usual marriage, house, kids, et cetera,” Lucian said dismissively, when Shea’s eyes widened. “Nothingto worryabout.”
“Mom...”Shea said ruefully.
“Cares verymuch,”Lucianput in.
“Well, still. Sorry about that, and don’t think for an instant I didn’t see you change topics to save her. Thank youfor steppinginso adroitly.”
Lucian arched an eyebrow at Shea and started walking toward the dining tables, one hand still on Shea’s lower back. The suit fabric was rough but the body he could feel beneath three layers was warm and solid. “A compliment without the usual expletive?” Lucian hummed. “Pity. Was hoping for ‘fucking’ adroitly, at least.”
“You were quite adroit at fucking, from what I remember,” Shea said, rougher, a flush creeping pink and prettyover his cheeks, his curls tumblingforward to hide his eyes.
“So you were listening all those years to my tales fromthe bedroom,”Lucianmused.
Shea blushed deeper and coughed. “Uhm. Ah. So, Prince Lucian, what political trophies are you intending to bagtonight?”
“Merely being seen supports my interests in the tender, younger generations,” Lucian answered, letting Shea have the way with the conversation. “The governor’s here, should probably shake his hand and laugh when he tells me I remind him of Father. Accountant references, a few pledges to support the non-profit projects, and I should be donating enough to earnanother plaque.”Lucianshrugged. “Slow night, but seeing as the point was really to spend it with you,” Lucian paused to smile up at Shea, five inches his better inheight. “Not sucha terrible thing.”
“I like going slow these days,” Shea said and bit his lower lip, and Luciantried not to stare.
“Then shall we slowly make our way to uncomfortable chairs and plastic chicken dinners?” Lucian asked, squeezing Shea’s arm, loathe to stop touching the man. The dam on Lucian’s control was cracking this close to Shea’s smell, feel, very self. A thrill

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