Windmills of the Gods

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Book: Read Windmills of the Gods for Free Online
Authors: Sidney Sheldon
Tags: Fiction, General, Thrillers, Espionage
Elks building, Irma’s Pet Grooming and a bar called The Fat Chance. The commercial buildings came to an abrupt end.
    Donald Zamlock said, “Jesus, the main street is only two blocks long. This isn’t a town. It’s a pit stop.”
    Rex Olds said, “To you it’s a pit stop, and to me it’s a pit stop, but to these people it’s a town.”
    Zamlock shook his head. “It’s probably a nice place to live, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to visit here.”
    The sedan pulled up in front of the state bank and Rex Olds went inside.
    He returned twenty minutes later. “Clean,” he said, getting into the car. “The Ashleys have seven thousand dollars in the bank, a mortgage on their house, and they pay their bills on time. The president of the bank thinks the doctor is too soft-hearted to be a good businessman, but as far as he’s concerned, he’s a top credit risk.”
    Zamlock looked at a clipboard at his side. “Let’s check out a few more names and get back to civilization before I begin to moo.”
    Douglas Schiffer was normally a pleasant, easygoing man, but at the moment there was a grim expression on his face. The Schiffers and the Ashleys were in the middle of their weekly bridge game, and the Schiffers were ten thousand points behind. For the fourth time that evening, Florence Schiffer had reneged.
    Douglas Schiffer slammed down his cards. “Florence!” he exploded. “Which side are you playing on? Do you know how much we’re down?”
    “I’m sorry,” she said nervously. “I—I just can’t seem to concentrate.”
    “Obviously,” her husband snorted.
    “Is anything bothering you?” Edward Ashley asked Florence.
    “I can’t tell you.”
    They all looked at her in surprise. “What does that mean?” her husband asked.
    Florence Schiffer took a deep breath. “Mary—it’s about you.”
    “What about me?”
    “You’re in some sort of trouble, aren’t you?”
    Mary stared at her. “Trouble? No. I—what makes you think that?”
    “I’m not supposed to tell. I promised.”
    “You promised who?” Edward asked.
    “A federal agent from Washington. He was at the house this morning asking me all kinds of questions about Mary. He made her sound like some kind of international spy.”
    “What kind of questions?” Edward demanded.
    “Oh, you know. Was she a loyal American? Was she a good wife and mother? Was she on drugs?”
    “Why the devil would they be asking you questions like that?”
    “Wait a minute,” Mary said excitedly. “I think I know. It’s about my tenure.”
    “What?” Florence asked.
    “I’m up for tenure. The university does some sensitive government research on campus, so I suppose they have to check everyone pretty thoroughly.”
    “Well, thank God that’s all it is.” Florence Schiffer breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought they were going to lock you up.”
    “I hope they do,” Mary smiled. “At Kansas State.”
    “Well, now that that’s out of the way,” Douglas Schiffer said, “can we get on with the game?” He turned to his wife. “If you renege one more time, I’m going to put you over my knee.”
    “Promises, promises.”

    Abbeywood, England
    “We are meeting under the usual rules,” the chairman announced. “No records will be kept, this meeting will never be discussed, and we will refer to one another by the code names we have been assigned.”
    There were eight men inside the library of the fifteenth-century Claymore Castle. Two armed men in plain clothes, bundled up in heavy overcoats, kept vigil outside, while a third man guarded the door to the library. The eight men inside the room had arrived at the site separately a short time earlier.
    The chairman continued. “The Controller has received some disturbing information. Marin Groza is preparing a coup against Alexandras Ionescu. A group of senior army officers in Romania has decided to back Groza. This time he could very well be successful.”
    Odin spoke up. “How would that affect

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