laughed at her. "Just give it a chance. I need you to praise yourself for one good thing that you do a day. And, just for a moment, allow yourself to feel the pleasure that comes with doing a good job or whatever it may be. Don't ask yourself if you deserve it or are good enough, just step back for a moment and praise yourself."
"So give myself a pep talk?"
"Something like that. You need to allow yourself to feel how positive thoughts about yourself will affect who you are and how you react to people."
Morgan cleared her throat and looked away. "Speaking of that…"
"I, um, you know…talking about reacting to people," Morgan stuttered.
"Just spit it out, Morgan." Baird smiled easily at her.
"Patrick kissed me. And it was great. Until I spilled a pint all over myself," Morgan said in a rush of words. Just thinking about it again had her heart hammering in her chest and sweat breaking out across her back. It had been glorious and embarrassing all in the same moment.
"How did you spill the pint?"
"Um, that's one of those things that uh…" Morgan made a swirly motion with her finger and pointed at her head.
"Something with your ability?"
Baird knew all about Morgan's abilities. Probably more than any of the women in town knew. He'd promised her client confidentiality and from what Morgan could see in his mind so far, he'd never broken it. Not to mention she'd given him quite the display a few months back when in a fit of anger she'd made a glass rise and dump water all over his head.
"Well, so, the only time this kind of stuff happens is when I am dreaming," Morgan began and Baird stopped her.
"Did you have a bad dream?"
"Aye, the other night, it's fine." Morgan shrugged it off.
"Tell me what happens during the dreams."
"I…I am back in the bed that the nuns tied me to. I see their faces swirling above me in a circle, their voices chanting in Latin, candlelight flickering. It's me but it's not me. When I wake up, pretty much everything in the room that isn't attached to the floor is hovering in the air. I have to work pretty hard to calm myself down and lower the furniture quietly."
Baird swore under his breath which coaxed a smile from Morgan. It was one of the things that she always liked about him. He seemed relatable and not some sort of stuffy doctor type.
"You know that this was child abuse. What they did was horribly wrong," Baird said.
"Aye, I know."
"You'll need to find a way to take their power away," Baird said simply and Morgan's eyes shot up to meet his.
"I never thought of it like that."
"It's true. They have power over you. Even from miles away and years ago. We'll need to think up something that we can do…some sort of ritual to allow you to release the power they have over you." Baird leaned back and watched Morgan. "You know, Fiona would be perfect for this."
Morgan looked determinedly over his head.
"Not ready for that?"
"I don't know."
"Tell me about the pint," Baird said, swiftly changing subjects.
"Oh, so we were sitting in the courtyard behind the gallery. He'd surprised me with a pint because he heard about my job."
"Nice of him," Baird observed.
"It was," Morgan agreed, "and, for the first time, I was able to relax around him. We have some stuff in common what with managing businesses and whatnot."
"Go on." Baird gestured with his hand.
"Well, we were talking and I just kind of leaned over the table and he told me that he was going to kiss me. I think he was a little worried about what had happened the last time, so he gave me fair warning. I didn't stop him." Morgan blushed as she thought about his lips on her and how her body had seemed to burn from within. "I liked it. A lot. It was my first kiss," she whispered.
"I'm not surprised about that," Baird commented and Morgan raised an eyebrow at him.
"How come?" Morgan demanded.
"Ah, well, you are fairly standoffish. It would be tough for any guy to break down that barrier. It has nothing to do with your looks or