Wild Hunts
Slade!” Kasa moved her hand away from his. Her entire body thrummed. Her nerves were melting away in this mind-numbing limbo. “Fine! I agree.”
    Slade pistoned his hips against her. The ridged length of his dick didn’t leave a moment’s time for her to think. The minute he allowed her body to settle from the cliff’s edge succeeded in catapulting her straight back to the peak.
    The rupture of pent-up tension created a tsunami of shattering pleasure. Kasa cried out as each pulsing sensation exploded through her, the force of her orgasm all-encompassing. Her back bowed over the table, milking every delectable wave of release. She barely heard Slade’s feral groans as she shuddered through the riveting climax. Hot liquid sprayed over her belly and soaked through the bottom of her tank. His potent scent filled her nostrils, tangled with the musky air of her own arousal.
    The waves began to subside. Her body tingled in the aftermath of her unusual sexual encounter with Slade. Feverish heat radiated off his skin, warming her legs as he continued to hold them. When she had enough strength to peel back her eyelids, she found herself staring straight up into a pair of very familiar—and very beautiful—pale blue eyes.
    “Protect you, we will. Even if we have to protect you against yourself,” the newcomer said.

    * * * *

    Eva stood in the center of a small chamber tucked deep inside her mountain hideaway. She surveyed the damage, acutely aware that nearly a dozen eyes were focused on her, anticipating her reaction. For starters, she was not happy. In fact, it was fair to say she was fucking pissed and desperate to mutilate whoever was responsible for this.
    “Where’s Lilia?” she asked, careful to keep her voice steady. Rage pulsed against her skull. Tremors slid along her arms. She had to keep flexing her fingers to alleviate some of her restrained energy.
    “She’s returning with the pack of hunters you sent out after the enemy,” one of the men informed her.
    Eva nodded slowly, taking note of everything around her. The jagged walls of this outer tunnel still glistened with the sprays of fresh blood. Evidence of the mental breaking down of her captives lay in the deep gouges in the stone made by claws and the teeth marks in the wrought iron shackles and chains. A rapidly decomposing arm was wedged between the damp, pebbly ground and a crevice in the wall. The sight was nothing new, as many of her captives had gnawed off an arm or a leg in their desperate attempt for freedom.
    Whether the freedom was from the cave or the regressing mental stability depended on her prospect.
    With a sigh that masked her mounting frustration, Eva clapped her hands and turned to her pack. “Has anyone determined the scent of our little hero-wannabe?”
    “Rogue communicated that he was on the tail of a rarity,” Cane said. Eva lifted a brow in a motion for him to continue. The broad brute merely shrugged his wide shoulders. “That was the last I heard from him.”
    “A rarity?” Eva murmured. She took the time to observe each one of the six pack members as the term played in her mind. She only knew of one rarity. A rarity that killed two of her sisters and was quickly wrangling up strength in pack numbers.
    Bustling noise erupted down the tunnel as she finished looking over her last man. This one had been her first conversion. Proof that she had the power to break wolves down and mentally rebuild them to do her bidding.
    Her bidding would be to restore the Dark Moon’s place among the wolf communities and eliminate all white wolves.
    For good.
    Two of the men jerked apart and her youngest sister pushed through their wall of muscle. Lilia was petite and delicate-framed, and one could be easily fooled by the innocence that shimmered in her aqua eyes.
    “We found Rogue,” Lilia said, brushing a chunk of blond hair from her eyes. “Someone, or some ones , took his head for a walk and left his body in the bushes.

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