Wild Flame

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Book: Read Wild Flame for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
walked to the door of the small structure and opened it. The cages she saw inside drew her up short. Then she realized the guys had to have somewhere to put the monsters.
    Ivy spotted the huge sliding metal door and cracked it open a bit. She smiled as she finished pulling it all the way open and took in the water lapping at her feet.
    She sat down and leaned against the side of the door, listening to the cicadas fill the night with their music.
    A sound drew her attention to the door she’d walked through. She saw a silhouette and recognized Christian.
    “Couldn’t take it either, I see,” he said.
    She laughed. “That was...awkward.”
    “You’re the only one who understands my need to have my own place. I’m surrounded by couples on a daily basis.”
    “I find it hard to believe you don’t have someone.”
    He made a face as he drew closer. “Not me.”
    “Relationships are complicated. I’d rather keep things simple.”
    “Exactly.” He leaned against the opposite side of the door.  
    “I like to answer only to myself.” His grin made her laugh. “You’re looking at me as if you’re not sure whether to believe me or not.”
    He shrugged a shoulder. “Normally, women want to talk about how soon they can get married, and how many kids they want while explaining how they’re going to change their men.”
    Ivy nodded since she had a couple of friends just like that. “Why do women always want to change their men?”
    “Good question. I’d like the answer to that, as well.”
    She looked away when she couldn’t handle his intense gaze any longer. He seemed to be able to see right into her mind, and she didn’t want him to know how many times she thought about running her hands over his body or ripping his clothes off.
    “No hunting tonight?” she asked into the silence.
    The music from the house rose, drifting outside as if those inside had opened windows.
    “Not with the Hell Hounds after you. We’re better all together.”
    His voice was a seduction all its own. Ivy closed her eyes. Did he know how his voice affected her? Is that why he lowered it, making his words come out as soft as silk?
    “Lincoln had the right idea. We need to take our minds off Hell Hounds,” Christian said as he pushed away from the doorway.
    Ivy’s eyes snapped open to look at him as he sat near her. His black hair tempted her fingers to touch the strands and see if they were as soft as they looked.
    “I used to come out here all the time to get away from the craziness of the house,” Christian said and looked straight ahead. “I’d sit right here and listen to the sounds of the bayou, watch gators and turtles swim past, and try to pretend that my life didn’t involve the supernatural.”
    Ivy pulled her gaze from Christian to look at the purple and pink-streaked sky. “It’s beautiful here. A place of solace.”
    “It’s that and much more.”
    She felt his eyes on her. Unable to stop herself, Ivy turned her head to him. She wanted Christian, and the seductive music wasn’t helping matters at all.
    He turned toward her and tugged on a lock of her hair. “Curls. That’s what I called you when I first saw you in the bar.”
    She raised a brow. So, he had noticed her. Ivy would’ve had to be blind not to appreciate such a fine specimen herself. She had taken plenty of peeks as he had leaned over to shoot pool.
    “Having been sick for so long, I have a habit of not waiting around for things.” She swallowed, hoping she wasn’t about to make a fool of herself. “I’d like to take my mind off the current mess. Interested?”
    “As if you have to ask,” he said before his hand slid into her hair and around to the back of her neck as his lips covered hers.
    Ivy leaned forward, her hands going to his chest. She slowly moved them up to his shoulders and then around his neck. The kiss was fiery, passionate.
    She was up on her knees with him as their bodies came together. His arms wrapped around her tightly,

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