disappear as this creature does. It knows things it couldn’t possibly know.”
“Which means someone is controlling it,” Beau said with a grin.
“Ah, Vin,” Christian said slowly.
Vincent looked to see his brother jerk his chin to the couch. Vincent turned his head to find Olivia’s black eyes open and trained on him.
“We’ll patrol the area,” Lincoln said as the three of them filed out of the house.
Olivia grabbed her head as she tried to sit up. Vincent helped ease her into a sitting position. It brought him close to her, touching her again. It was unimaginable torture.
For so long, he pushed aside the needs of his body, but with Olivia, he couldn’t. He wanted her, needed her. Craved her. It burned through him so hotly he could hardly pull breath into his lungs.
He thought he was safe from that driving, reckless desire for her when she left. But now she was back, and looking more beautiful and tempting than ever.
“What happened?” she asked in that husky voice of hers.
Vincent had to move away. He couldn’t think straight being so near her and wanting to have a taste of her lips. He walked to the fridge and opened it to grab a bottle of water.
“Vincent,” she urged. “Tell me.”
He looked around the kitchen. “Where is the aspirin?”
“Bathroom,” she said and pointed down the hall.
Most everyone living in the parish knew what the Chiasson’s did, but Maria had kept the true cause of Olivia’s parent’s deaths from her. Which meant Olivia might not know his family protected the parish by hunting supernatural creatures.
If she didn’t know, he wasn’t going to be the one to enlighten her.
He found the aspirin and dumped two in his hand before he walked back to Olivia. He handed the pills and water to her. “This will help with the headache.”
The look in her gaze was fierce as she popped the pills in her mouth and drank the water to swallow them. “Whatever you’re trying your damnedest not to tell me, spit it out.”
“Where is Maria?”
“Maman is at Grace’s house. Why?”
Vincent sat in the chair next to the couch and glanced out the window. “Did you see what attacked you?”
“Yes.” She visibly swallowed. “Well, sort of. It was hairy and dark. It came out of the shadows. I know I was alone on the porch, and then...it was just there. You were hunting it, weren’t you?”
Damn. So she did know what his family did. Vincent was disappointed. Not that he stood a chance with someone like Olivia, but for just a moment, he would have liked to pretend.
He nodded. “It could have killed you right then, but it didn’t. It looked to be dragging you off. Did it say anything?”
“Not at all. It slammed my head against the wood before I could run away. I need to call Maman. It could be after her, and she shouldn’t come home.”
Vincent covered her hand that grabbed her cell phone. “I don’t think the creature was after Maria.”
“You think it was after me?” Olivia’s black eyes went wide. “I just got back. How could it be after me?”
“I’m afraid it has to do with my family. Beau spoke with you this morning.”
“Wow. So who did your family piss off?”
She pulled her hand away, and Vincent tried not to be upset. He stood and walked to the door to look out the glass. His brothers were staying close to the house while still patrolling. “I don’t know who is after us. This goes back years. I’m sorry you got pulled into this. Perhaps you should return to Dallas.”
“I can’t.”
No explanation, nothing. Vincent looked at her over his shoulder and saw her studying the water bottle as if it held the answers to the universe.
“Well, you can’t remain here.”
She stood quickly and swayed. Vincent was next to her in a heartbeat, his arms wrapped around her waist to steady her. He urged her back down, and then lifted her feet to put them on the couch so that she was reclining again.
“You should remain lying down for a bit
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane