at Kane to find his cousin’s yellow werewolf gaze focused with intensity on Ava. If Kane didn’t remember who he was, why hadn’t he clawed or bitten him when Lincoln had faced him? Why had Kane merely knocked him to the ground and fixated on Ava?
That was twice that night that Kane had let him live. Not that Lincoln was complaining, but it didn’t make sense. Something about the entire situation didn’t add up, no matter how he tried to look at it.
Lincoln squatted on the balls of his feet and considered their options. With Kane seemingly obsessed with Ava, and with Kane’s speed and power, they wouldn’t get one foot off holy ground before they were attacked.
Not even the bayous would be safe under a full moon. All animals – supernatural and not – were affected by the full moon. Their only possibility for survival was to remain on holy ground until dawn.
Lincoln looked over his shoulder at Ava to find her asleep. He rushed to her when she began to tilt to the side, getting to her just before she fell. He sat beside her and propped her against his shoulder. She sighed and sagged against him while Kane sat, his gaze still on Ava.
“What are you doing, Kane?”
The werewolf briefly looked at him.
“Why are you after Ava?” Lincoln whispered.
Lincoln looked at the sky. It was going to be hours before dawn.
~ ~ ~
Olivia paced the floor. She dialed Ava’s number again, hoping against hope that her friend would answer this time. Instead of ringing, it went directly to voicemail.
She halted and stared at the phone. If it went directly to voicemail then that meant someone had turned off Ava’s phone. And that wasn’t good news at all.
Olivia sank onto a chair and closed her eyes. Ava knew what the Chiassons did. She understood the things that were out there. There was no way that she would knowingly put herself in danger.
No matter how Olivia looked at it, it didn’t appear good for Ava. But if anyone could find her, she knew Lincoln could. Olivia just prayed that it was before something awful happened.
~ ~ ~
Lincoln’s eyes snapped open when he heard the faint whistle. His brothers had found them. Lincoln let out a sigh of relief and looked at Kane. His cousin hadn’t moved. His ears swiveled, indicating that he too heard the noise, but he didn’t turn his gaze away from Ava.
“Be careful,” Lincoln said into the night to his brothers. “Kane, as we know him, is gone for now.”
Kane lifted his snout and sniffed the air. Lincoln could tell he knew others were out there. However, instead of going after them as Lincoln expected, he remained. His brothers wouldn’t make any undue noise, which meant no talking. The same didn’t apply to Lincoln since he was on holy ground.
“Kane is focused on Ava. He knows you’re out there.”
Lincoln smiled when he saw a canoe coming toward him in the water. He started to rise when Beau held up his hand. Lincoln frowned. What were his brothers up to?
Beau stopped paddling while he was still in deep water. Kane growled low but didn’t go after him.
“We got another call from Solomon,” Beau said softly, the water allowing his voice to reach Lincoln.
An uneasy feeling filled Lincoln. “What did he say?”
Beau set the paddle across his lap. “They managed to catch the priestess. With a little…prompting…from Solomon and his brothers, she imparted more information about what she did to Kane.”
Lincoln glanced down at Ava. Her deep, even breaths indicated that she was still asleep, and Lincoln had never been more grateful. He looked back at Beau and waited for his brother to continue. The fact that Beau hesitated told Lincoln the news was going to be worse than he had hoped.
“Kane thinks he came here to get away from New Orleans and the threat of killing. He has no idea the priestess sent him.”
“For us?” Lincoln asked. “Because he’s had two chances to kill me and hasn’t.”
“No. He was given a
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane