Wicked Night Before Christmas

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Book: Read Wicked Night Before Christmas for Free Online
Authors: Tierney O’Malley
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
come down without it. I don't know what's going on in that pretty head of yours, but I will find out."
    Sitting astride behind the driver, Cara looked at Lucas. She realized it was foolish to hide the truth from him. Why not just say it? He would never leave her alone until she did. Fine . She'd spill it all out. After that, she would move on.
    [Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Three
    * * * *
    The drive from Whistler Lodge to the cabin was short, but for Lucas it wasn't quick enough. He wanted Cara home right that minute so she could rest. The medic had wrapped a cold compress on Cara's ankle, but he could tell it wasn't easing Cara's pain. It could be she was stiff from long hours of skiing or she had seriously injured herself and wasn't telling him or anyone about it. When he saw her lying on the small bed in the First Aid and Emergency Room, his heart had stopped beating. She had looked tiny, vulnerable, and utterly sad. About what, he had no freaking idea. Although the thought that maybe she was thinking about Rick came to mind, which he quickly dismissed. Fuck, he was freaking jealous of a man he never even met.
    As soon as they reached the cabin, Cara got out of the car and ignored his hand when he tried to help her. Before the night was over, he would find out what had changed her attitude toward him. And if she told him she was irritated because she missed her fucking boyfriend, he'd find him and shoot the man between his eyes.
    He watched Cara walk as if wearing a body cast. In one swift move, he picked her up. “Don't tell me you're fine. You're not. And stop narrowing your pretty eyes at me. Not working."
    "Feeling tired doesn't mean there's something wrong with me."
    "You're not just tired. You hurt your back. Stop denying it. I'm not blind."
    "No you're not. So you can see that I don't want to be—never mind."
    "What? Be around me, close to me, talk to me? Yeah, I noticed. But I want to know why. Give me enough reason why and I'll stay away from you. For now, you need to stay in your room. No skiing tomorrow. And you are not going to the Wish Tree Fundraiser tonight."
    "Fine! That's what I wanted anyway. I want to stay in my room. You all go and leave me alone."
    "You know what, Cara. You remind me of Amy when she was five. I won't be surprised if you call me poophead.” Cara buried her face at the crook of his neck. He felt her smile. And it felt damn good.
    The front door burst open and out came Amy, his mother and father.
    "Lucas! What happened? Is she okay?"
    "She's fine mom. I'll take her to her room."
    On his way to Cara's room Lucas told his family bits about what he believed had happened. When he added Cara was being stubborn for keeping the truth and what hurt, she pinched his chest. His family followed them all the way to Cara's bedroom.
    He let his mother fuss over Cara, listened to Amy blame herself for being such a horrible friend, and pretended to agree with his dad when he complained about the usher who let Cara ski without a buddy on a rough run.
    When he noticed Cara falling asleep, most likely from the combination of fatigue and painkiller the medic gave her, he asked his family to leave the room. They acquiesced right away.
    "This is embarrassing you know. You're treating me like an invalid."
    The bed dipped a little bit from his weight when he sat on the edge. He touched her sun and wind burned cheeks. The pinkish red hue gave her a healthy glow. “What happened, Cara?"
    "I fell. The tips of my ski caught the side of the jump. I flipped, tumbled and landed on my back. That's what happened.” Her voice was soft and sounded sleepy.
    The medic told him to watch Cara's foot for any sign of internal injuries because she refused to be taken to the nearby clinic for an x-ray. She'd be in pain tonight. Tomorrow, he'd take her at the clinic to make sure she didn't have any fractures.
    "Good to finally hear what happened at the Devil's run, but I am asking about us. What happened?” He should

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