Wicked Intentions 1

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Book: Read Wicked Intentions 1 for Free Online
Authors: Elizabeth Hoyt
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, FIC027050
of the large male trailing silently behind her.
    Twenty minutes later, Temperance stopped before a crooked door, set two steps down.
    Lord Caire looked at the door, his blue eyes narrowed with interest. “What is this place?”
    “This is where Mother Heart’s-Ease does business,” Temperance replied just as the crooked door popped open.
    “Out wi’ ye!” a tall, gaunt woman bawled. She wore an old red army coat over leather stays so filthy they were black. Beneath was a black-and-red-striped linsey-woolsey petticoat, the hem ragged and caked with mud. Behind her, dim firelight flickered, giving her the appearance of standing at the mouth of hell. “No coin, no drink. Get out of me ’ouse, then!”
    The object of her ire was a thin woman who might’ve been pretty had it not been for her blackened teeth and an open sore on one cheek.
    The pitiful creature cringed and held up her arms as if to ward off a blow. “I’ll gi’ ye a penny an’ a ha’penny tomorrow. Just gi’ me the gin tonight.”
    “Go an’ earn yer pennies,” Mother Heart’s-Ease said, and shoved the unhappy woman into the alley. She turned and propped her large, red-knuckled fists on her hips, looking Lord Caire up and down with greedy eyes. “Now, then, what’re ye doin’ here, Mrs. Dews? I don’t reckon this’s yer part of St. Giles.”
    “I wasn’t aware St. Giles was divided into territories,” Temperance replied stiffly.
    Mother Heart’s-Ease flicked beady eyes at her. “Weren’t you?”
    Temperance cleared her throat. “My friend would like to ask you some questions.”
    Mother Heart’s-Ease grinned at Lord Caire, revealing missing front teeth. “Best come inside, ’adn’t you, then?”
    She didn’t glance at Temperance again, her avarice obviously focused on Lord Caire. Nevertheless, he stood back to allow Temperance entrance first. She ducked inside the door and descended the steep wooden steps leading to a cellar.
    The front room was low, long, and dark, lit only by a fire roaring in the rear. Above, the rafters were blackened by smoke. To one side, a warped board was thrown over two barrels to make a counter. Behind it stood a one-eyed girl, the only barmaid. Here Mother Heart’s-Ease sold her namesake: gin, a penny and a half a cup. A score of soldiers in tall meter hats were laughing drunkenly at a table in the corner. Beside them, two shady-looking fellows hunched their shoulders as if trying to become invisible. One wore a triangular leather patch to hide a missing nose. Across the room, a quarrel had broken out between three sailors playing cards, while nearby, a solitary man in a too-large wig smoked serenely. A man and a woman sat together against the wall on the bare dirt floor, their small tin cup cradled in their hands. They might sleep the night here—if they each paid Mother Heart’s-Ease another five pence for the privilege.
    “Now, then, ’ow can I ’elp a fine-lookin’ gent like yerself?” Mother Heart’s-Ease shouted over the dinof the arguing sailors. She rubbed her fingers together suggestively.
    Lord Caire took a purse from beneath his cloak and opened it. He smiled as he extracted a half crown and placed it in the woman’s hand. “I’m interested in the murder of a woman in St. Giles. Her name was Marie Hume.”
    Mother Heart’s-Ease had lost her smile, her lips pursing thoughtfully. “That kind o’ information will cost ye just a bit more, m’lord.”
    Did she know Lord Caire, or was the woman merely flattering a potential money source?
    Lord Caire raised his eyebrows at the demand but silently fished another half crown from his purse. He tossed the coin to Mother Heart’s-Ease, and it disappeared along with its mate down the top of her stays.
    “’Ave a seat, m’lord.” Mother Heart’s-Ease gestured to an empty chair, a rickety wooden thing. “It’s a murdered woman, you say?”
    Lord Caire ignored the attempt at hospitality. “She was thirty years or so, blond hair, fair

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