Wicca for Beginners
Then touch your hands to your partner’s as if you were both pushing opposite sides of a door or playing patty-cake. Try pulling your hands away from each other slowly and see if you can feel the energy between you. Then try to feel the resistance as you push your hands back up to your partner’s.
    Some Wiccans believe that they have a “receptive” and an “active” hand. The receptive hand is better at feeling energy, and the active hand is better at directing it. Most Wiccans who believe this say that their dominant hand is the active one, so if you are right-handed, it would be best to try this energy-feeling exercise with your left. Personally, I’ve never felt that one of my hands is receptive and one active—they both work for both things—but there are people in my coven who swear by the “receptive hand” theory. This is another one of those points that you can experiment with to find which way works best for you. Maybe your feet are better than either of your hands!

    exercise 2: stones and sticks
    Once you have felt the energy in your hands, try to feel energy in a crystal or stone. Hint: crystals are natural batteries, so their energy tends to be easy to feel. Sit comfortably, relax, and pick up the stone or crystal in your hand. Hold it gently, and see what you feel. You may not feel anything with your hand at all, but rather “feel” the sensation in your head. You may get a mental image instead of a physical sensation. Or you may just feel the crystal zinging in your palm. Try a variety of different stones. Is their energy different? If so, how? Are some easier to sense than others? If you find a particular stone that “sings” to you, you may want to keep it for magical work.
    Next, see if you can feel the energy in plants or trees. Again, find a place where you can relax and work undisturbed, this time outside. Sit or stand near a plant or tree, and hold your hands a couple of inches away from it. Yes, you may feel silly doing this. Your neighbors will think you are weird if they see you doing it in your yard. So what? It’s all in the name of experimentation and spiritual growth, right? Shut your eyes, and try to feel the difference in the energy as you move your hands slowly toward the plant. You should not need to touch the plant to feel its energy “signature,” but touch it if you can’t feel anything without doing so. This might be easier with a smaller plant than a tree. Trees are big, and they have wonderful, strong energy signatures, but they’re not as zippy, for lack of a better word, as, for example, the oregano plant in your garden. If the tree is a bass, the herb is a soprano.
    When you have felt the energy of stones and plants, try working with household objects. They have energy signatures too. Try to feel the energy of a block of wood or a plastic toy. The vibe may not be as strong as it is with plants and crystals, but it should still be there. Wiccans who become adept at feeling energy in inanimate objects often try their hands at psychometry. Psychometry is the ability to touch something and get information about its past from its vibration; for example, picking up an old photograph and learning something about the people pictured. Don’t feel that you are not a good Wiccan if you can’t do full-blown psychometry, though. Many, many Wiccans can’t do it either! The important thing is to keep practicing and trying to feel energy.
    Energy Follows Thought: Visualization
    Once you’ve felt energy, you can begin to learn how to work with it to do ritual, become more familiar with deity, work magic, and make positive changes in your life. The first step in doing this is to learn about visualization. Wiccans use visualization constantly in magic and energy work. In Wicca, visualization means creating a picture in your mind’s eye of what you want to happen. There is a magical idea that “energy follows thought.” What that means is that if you create and see something in

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