White Ginger

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Book: Read White Ginger for Free Online
Authors: Thatcher Robinson
Tags: Mystery
decades. In reply, she held up her hands, palms out, and surveyed his office.
    He barked a laugh. “You want this building?”
    â€œI believe you’ll find that with the decline in the California market, the property in Hong Kong will be on parity with the current value of this building. And . . . you’ve been holding this building far too long. You could do better with a higher rate of depreciation.”
    He stared at her while he thought about her offer. “I suppose you’ve already worked this out and have the appraisals in order.”
    His wasn’t so much a question as a statement. She nodded in reply. “The lawyers at Hung and Chin have all the paperwork. If you’d care to have your people vet the deal, I’ll have the files sent over. I’ve also worked out a long-term lease option on this building. I wouldn’t want to lose you as a tenant.”
    â€œI should’ve known you’d be one step ahead of me. You truly are Ho Chan’s prodigy. I’m only sorry you couldn’t follow in his footsteps.”
    Tommy raised his hands, an apology of sorts for running an all-boys club. She wasn’t sorry. She’d escaped life in Sun Yee On . Besides, she didn’t need the money, and the power was just an illusion. Life can’t be controlled with a gun.
    He beamed at her and seemed to take pride in her shrewd business acumen. “Is there anything more I can do for you?”
    She hesitated before asking the next question. It was a sensitive topic. “Can you tell me how heavily the Wah Ching are involved in slaving?”
    He shrugged to communicate either he didn’t know or saw no reason to tell her what he knew. She stood outside the brotherhood. There were limits to what he could, or would, do on her behalf.
    She smiled and spoke with a dramatic flair. “I certainly hope nothing happens to me. My estate would go into probate . . . for years.”
    She grinned at him and waited for a response.
    Bai’s relationship with Tommy was complicated. He’d acted as a surrogate father when her parents had been killed. He’d been part of her life since she’d been a child. He’d also taken from her one of the things she loved most: Jason. Tommy had made Jason his heir apparent. They struggled over the heart and soul of a man neither could relinquish.
    He looked at her sourly. He’d thought he could twist her arm and force a sale on her. Now it was her turn to do a little arm twisting. He needed her alive until the sale of the Hong Kong properties closed. She had him right where she wanted him.
    He leaned forward, one eyebrow raised in anticipation. “What exactly is it you want?”
    â€œI need you to loan me Jason.” She kept her face neutral to play down the request.
    As Hung Kwan , Jason had a small army of seasoned soldiers at his disposal. Not that she needed them. It was Jason she wanted, though she could no longer rationally explain why.
    Tommy eyed her knowingly. “You and Jason have some issues to work out. ‘Once on a tiger’s back, it is hard to alight.’” He let the truth of his words sink in while she sat quietly under his scrutiny. Punching a speed dial on his office phone, he put the call on speaker. Jason’s voice answered. “Jason, could you step into my office, please. There’s something we need to discuss.”
    Like guarded opponents, they eyed each other until a knock sounded at the door. Jason walked in without waiting for a response. He gave no indication he was surprised to see Bai.
    He bowed slightly and addressed Tommy. “You wanted to see me?”
    â€œYes. Bai has requested that she ‘borrow’ you for a short while. How do you feel about that?”
    Jason looked at her briefly before returning his attention to Tommy. “I’ll do as you think best.”
    Tommy let out a long sigh and gazed at her. His facial expression didn’t tell

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