While the Light Lasts

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Book: Read While the Light Lasts for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
Clare had played together as children. Later they had been friends, and a closer and dearer tie had been confidently expected by many–including, it may be said, Clare herself. There was no hurry, of course–but some day…She left it so in her own mind. Some day.
    And then, just a year ago, the village had been startled by the news of Sir Gerald’s marriage to a Miss Harper–a girl nobody had ever heard of!
    The new Lady Lee had not been popular in the village. She took not the faintest interest in parochial matters, was bored by hunting, and loathed the country and outdoor sports. Many of the wiseacres shook their heads and wondered how it would end. It was easy to see where Sir Gerald’s infatuation had come in. Vivien was a beauty. From head to foot she was a complete contrast to Clare Halliwell, small, elfin, dainty, with golden-red hair that curled enchantinglyover her pretty ears, and big violet eyes that could shoot a sideways glance of provocation to the manner born.
    Gerald Lee, in his simple man’s way, had been anxious that his wife and Clare should be great friends. Clare was often asked to dine at the Grange, and Vivien made a pretty pretence of affectionate intimacy whenever they met. Hence that gay salutation of hers this morning.
    Clare walked on and did her errand. The Vicar was also visiting the old woman in question and he and Clare walked a few yards together afterwards before their ways parted. They stood still for a minute discussing parish affairs.
    â€˜Jones has broken out again, I’m afraid,’ said the Vicar. ‘And I had such hopes after he had volunteered, of his own accord, to take the pledge.’
    â€˜Disgusting,’ said Clare crisply.
    â€˜It seems so to us,’ said Mr Wilmot, ‘but we must remember that it is very hard to put ourselves in his place and realize his temptation. The desire for drink is unaccountable to us, but we all have our own temptations, and thus we can understand.’
    â€˜I suppose we have,’ said Clare uncertainly.
    The Vicar glanced at her.
    â€˜Some of us have the good fortune to be very little tempted,’ he said gently. ‘But even to those people theirhour comes. Watch and pray, remember, that ye enter not into temptation.’
    Then bidding her goodbye, he walked briskly away. Clare went on thoughtfully, and presently she almost bumped into Sir Gerald Lee.
    â€˜Hullo, Clare. I was hoping to run across you. You look jolly fit. What a colour you’ve got.’
    The colour had not been there a minute before. Lee went on:
    â€˜As I say, I was hoping to run across you. Vivien’s got to go off to Bournemouth for the weekend. Her mother’s not well. Can you dine with us Tuesday instead of tonight?’
    â€˜Oh, yes! Tuesday will suit me just as well.’
    â€˜That’s all right, then. Splendid. I must hurry along.’
    Clare went home to find her one faithful domestic standing on the doorstep looking out for her.
    â€˜There you are, Miss. Such a to-do. They’ve brought Rover home. He went off on his own this morning, and a car ran clean over him.’
    Clare hurried to the dog’s side. She adored animals, and Rover was her especial darling. She felt his legs one by one, and then ran her hands over his body. He groaned once or twice and licked her hand.
    â€˜If there’s any serious injury, it’s internal,’ she said at last. ‘No bones seem to be broken.’
    â€˜Shall we get the vet to see him, Miss?’
    Clare shook her head. She had little faith in the local vet.
    â€˜We’ll wait until tomorrow. He doesn’t seem to be in great pain, and his gums are a good colour, so there can’t be much internal bleeding. Tomorrow, if I don’t like the look of him, I’ll take him over to Skippington in the car and let Reeves have a look at him. He’s far and away the best man.’
    On the following day, Rover seemed weaker,

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