Where Nerves End

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Book: Read Where Nerves End for Free Online
Authors: L. A. Witt
much for you to afford.” He pointed at the club beneath our feet. “Youve got this place to leech off your wallet.”
“Yeah, and youve got overhead and shit to deal with to.” I shook my head. “I cant. Thanks, but I cant.”
“Well, the offers there if you need it.”
“I appreciate it,” I said quietly. And I did appreciate it, more than he could imagine, but I couldnt take his money.
No matter how badly I needed to see Michael again.

    My business was on the verge of collapse. Foreclosure loomed over my mortgage. My credit was fucked, my bank statements were cringeworthy, and lately Id had to choose between making car payments and putting food in the fridge. I was a financial failure, and nothing drove home that point like being on a first name basis with the guys at the pawn shop three doors down from Seths tattoo shop.
    I pushed open the door, pretending not to notice the places familiar smells—mostly aging vinyl and ammonia-based glass cleaner—that distinctive mixture I could have identified even with a blindfold on.
    The bittersweet smell of failure . I shoved the thought to the back of my mind as I approached the case at the front of the store.
    Emmanuel —El to most of us—stepped out from the back, and grinned. “Jason! My friend. You coming to bring me money?”
I cringed, trying not to think about the four outstanding items I had in hock. Probably wouldnt see any of that shit again.
“I wish,” I said, ignoring the familiar camera in the glass case between us. “Coming to get some money, Im afraid.”
“Man, keep it up, and Im gonna have to change that sign to say Jason Daviss personal fucking ATM.”
“In my dreams, right? Then I wouldnt have to dig through my house every other week to find something to bring in.” I set an old but well cared for watch on the counter. “What can you give me for this?”
He looked at me instead of the watch. “You doing all right? You dont look so good.”
I scowled at the reminder my shoulder had begun going back to its old ways in the two weeks or so that had passed since my last acupuncture treatment.
El tilted his head. “Youre trying to do something for your shoulder, arent you?”
My cheeks burned, but there was no point in trying to get the truth past Emanuel. He was a good friend, and way too familiar with the problems spanning from my physical health to my financial. “If I can pay for it, yes, its something new for my shoulder.”
He pursed his lips, and I didnt have to ask what thought had crossed his mind.
“Something new?” One eyebrow climbed his forehead, and he drew back a little. “Jason, Im not gonna judge, but if this is for a drug habit…”
“No, no, its nothing like that.” I shifted my weight. “Acupuncture.”
“You? Acupuncture?” El blinked. “Somebody put a gun to your head or something?”
I laughed. “No, but Seth talked me into it.”
“And it works?”
“So far, so good.” I gestured at my shoulder. “Just need another hit.”
“Hey, whatever floats your boat, my friend.” El smirked. “But if he asks you to take your pants off, youll know hes planning on sticking more than needles inyou.”
I chuckled. “I wish, believe me.”
“Think that would help the pain?”
“Fuck, I dont care.” I grinned, not even a little bit ashamed of the goose bumps rising along my arms. “You should see this guy.”
“Is that right?” El thought for a moment. Then he put a hand on the small of his back and winced dramatically. “You know, I think I feel a sudden pain coming on myself.”
I laughed. “Yeah, well, before you go get treated for that, I need to see him about my shoulder.” Humor fading, I tapped the watch. “Which is why Im here.”
Els lips thinned. “How much do you need?”
“How much can you give me?”
He scowled, locking eyes with me for a moment. Then he shifted his attention to the watch. “Its in good shape, but these things dont sell so good.” His eyes flicked up.

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