What He Craves
receipt in it, thanked us, and within minutes, we were headed
for the exit. As I followed Jill, Shane’s words echoed in my head.
    I don’t want another submissive. I want…a girlfriend. A
lover. A partner.
    How long ago had he said that? And did he ever say, for
sure, that he wanted those things with me?
    But what about, It’s over. There’s no one else.
    And , I’m a stubborn ass sometimes, and I’ve learned some
of the issues I have run deep.
    My belly sank to my toes.
    Shit. Exactly what kind of issues are we dealing with?
    Maybe I was being a fool, putting all my trust in a man
who’d told me he wasn’t trustworthy.
    As I buckled myself into Jill’s car, I said, “I’ve changed
my mind. I think I will take up Drake on his offer. What could a cup of coffee
    My best friend looked genuinely pleased. “I don’t think
you’ll regret it.” She shifted her car into drive and punched the gas, and we
zigged through the parking lot and out onto the street. “And by the way, when
you marry him, I will be your maid of honor right?”
    Marriage? “Jumping the gun a little, aren’t you?”
    Smiling, she shrugged. “Maybe a little. So what’s your
    “Yes. Of course you’ll be my maid of honor. Whomever I
marry. Whenever I marry.”
    If I marry.

Chapter 5
    I was my number one critic, but tonight, even I had to admit
I looked good. Having ignored Shane’s phone calls for the next twelve hours--I
didn’t trust myself not to say something I’d regret--I was just about finished
getting ready for my coffee date with Drake. It turned out he wasn’t hard to
track down after all. Jill and I found him on the internet and within minutes I
was chatting with him on the phone. Twenty four hours after I’d spotted Shane
having dinner with Alexis, I was about to see my ex-boyfriend for the first
time in years.
    I was really nervous, despite telling myself it was only
coffee. It wasn’t like I was going to have sex with him or anything.
    I did one final mirror check before scurrying toward the
door, expecting him at any moment. As I flew past Jill, she gave me a whistle
and exclaimed, “Girl, you’re going to kill him tonight.”
    “Thanks.” I smoothed my hands down my dress, fingertips
hitting skin much earlier than I would’ve liked. “Are you sure this dress isn’t
too short?”
    “It’s short but not slutty. You’re good.” She gave me two
thumbs up.
    “Okay.” The bell rang, and my heart jumped. “He’s here,” I
said to no one in particular.
    “Open the door!” Jill yelled.
    I tugged on the hem of my dress again then opened the door.
    My god, he looked great. He’d aged, yes. But aged well. Very
    “Wow,” he said as he stepped inside.
    I couldn’t help smiling. “You look pretty good yourself.”
    He extended his arms, welcoming me to step into them, and I
did. But the hug felt a little strange. Not the way I remembered it. “It’s
great to see you again,” he said as I moved out of his embrace.
    “Great to see you too.”
    He glanced past me, catching sight of Jill sitting on the
couch, watching us. “Jill.”
    “Drake. Treat my girl right this time, or I will personally
kick your ass!”
    He raised his hands in a sign of surrender. “I’ve made some
mistakes in the past, but I’ve never repeated them.” His gaze slid to mine.
    I felt my face warm. What was he trying to say? Did he think
he might want to try to start over with me?
    I wasn’t sure I was ready to even think about that.
    I wasn’t sure he was ready to think about that either.
    “I made a seven o’clock reservation,” he said as he placed a
hand on the small of my back, touching me like Shane. It didn’t have the same
effect. “We should get going.”
    “Reservation? For coffee?” I asked as I checked to make sure
I had my phone in my purse.
    “I’m hoping you won’t mind joining me for dinner…? I just
flew into town an hour ago. Didn’t want to grab something on the run and

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