Were She Belongs

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Book: Read Were She Belongs for Free Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
dragging Jacob, Sierra, or anyone else into her mess of a life. When she didn’t answer, he continued.

    Were She Belongs
    “Because, I saw a beautiful young woman, down and out, living on the streets, and something told me you needed help even though you wouldn’t ask.”
    Tears escaped her eyes before she could swipe them away. He had seen her on the streets? Did he know she was homeless and that she went to the shelter to get that dress and shoes too small for her feet to show up for the interview? Instantly she had flashbacks of the drunk volunteer who tried to attack her in the public bathroom as she showered just so she wouldn’t look homeless. She closed her eyes and winced at the painful memories.
    “How did you…know? Wait, don’t answer that. It doesn’t matter.” She straightened her spine and lifted her chin.
    “Do I still have a job or not?” she asked, annoyed at herself when her voice cracked.
    “Are you going to let me help you? Are you going to tell me who you’re running from?”
    Lexi walked past him, releasing an exasperated sigh.
    “I don’t need any help. I’m fine as long as I have this job. So do I have it or not, Jacob?”
    “Lexi, I can help—”
    “Do. I. Have the job or not?”
    Lexi assumed it was a “no” as Jacob stood in front of her appearing angry. She turned the knob on the door and pulled it open.
    To her surprise, Sierra was standing there.
    “Sorry, Sierra, I need to go.”
    Sierra grabbed Lexi by the arm to try to stop her.
    Lexi stopped, but wouldn’t look her friend in the eye.
    “Lex, I know you’re scared and that you’ve been alone. Why didn’t you try to contact me? I could have helped you.”
    Lexi fought to remain in one piece. How easily Sierra and Jacob made it seem for her to have gotten help. They didn’t know the whole 40
    Dixie Lynn Dwyer
    story. They didn’t know that her situation went way beyond being homeless.
    Lexi placed her hand on Sierra’s shoulder and smiled.
    “Because I love you like family, Sierra. I wouldn’t allow anything bad to happen to you.” Lexi quickly headed down the hallway and to the elevator.

    Were She Belongs

Chapter 3

    “Jacob, what are we going to do? She’s so scared. It’s obvious that she’s in some kind of trouble.” Jacob watched as tears filled Sierra’s eyes.
    “Let her cool off a bit. I have the guys watching her through surveillance to keep track of her.”
    Jacob looked toward the elevator that Sierra arrived on and that Lexi left in. Two men stood guard watching over his cousin.
    The elevator doors opened, and both Valco and Paul emerged.
    “What’s going on? Where’s Lexi?” Paul asked as Valco pulled Sierra to him.
    “Sierra, what happened?” Valco asked, obviously sensing that his mate was upset. Jacob knew Valco was perfect for his cousin and that he loved her.
    “Lexi is upset.”
    Jacob filled them in on what had transpired in the room.
    “If someone is after her, I’ll put a stop to it,” Paul stated, pulling out his cell.
    “Paul, this is a sensitive situation. Obviously, more is going on than even Jacob suspected,” Valco added.
    “She could be embarrassed about being homeless?” Sierra suggested.
    “Homeless?” Paul asked, and Jacob explained further.
    “She thinks that she’s all alone in this. Survival hardens you up.
    Look at Saber,” Valco added.
    They each sighed at thoughts of Saber. Years of serving as Special Forces in the military, then security for the packs weighed a toll on 42
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    him. Saber was a solid rock. He showed no emotion, no desire to connect to anyone. He was a loner and only socialized with his brothers and some others in the pack. No one dared to challenge him as alpha, not Paul nor Andre. Any of them alone would kill to defend the Sinclair pack.
    Paul spoke into his cell. “Yeah, keep an eye out for Lexi. Do not let her leave the club, and don’t make a scene.” He hung up, then looked at the

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