Waves in the Wind

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Book: Read Waves in the Wind for Free Online
Authors: Wade McMahan
Tags: Historical fiction
his flashing eyes sweeping us, his voice bold. “We seek the cause of this everlasting night and I say to you, for I know it to be true, there can be no cause other than it has befallen us by the Mighty Hand of God Himself!”
    He paused to allow the import of his words to rest upon our minds, though the import, if such there was, had no effect on me. I already knew Mother Earth brought on the darkness, but was interested to see where the bishop would take his argument. He did not disappoint me for he began right away.
    “Permit me to tell you a story.” He reached to a large book lying upon a table and lifted it above his head for all to see. “It is a story written within this Holy Book of Scriptures, words written by God’s Own Hand.”
    The bishop cleared his throat, placed the book back on the table and began pacing again. “I speak to you of an ancient time, the place…Egypt. There, Pharaoh, King of all Egypt, ruled with an iron fist. He held in bondage the Hebrew people, the people of the Book of Exodus. Among the Hebrews was a man named Moses, a prophet of the Almighty Himself. Moses came before Pharaoh, saying, ‘Lest you set my people free, God’s judgment will fall upon you and all Egypt.’ Pharaoh refused and there ensued a series of ten deadly plagues, God’s reprisal of which Moses foretold.”
    I listened intently for, of course, it is true that Druids loved a good story. No doubt, the bishop would link the story of Pharaoh to the darkness, and I was curious to see how he did so.
    “God’s vengeance,” the bishop repeated it for emphasis, “God’s vengeance descended upon Pharaoh and all his people.”
    He raised his hand, spread wide his fingers and counted, “In the first plague God turned the waters to blood, in the second He caused the sky to rain toads.”
    A chuckle ran through the massed Druids, and he scowled, his eyes fixed upon us. “Think not to laugh! For then came a plague of lice, and then flies, and then a disease among all the animals. Despite these trials, Pharaoh still refused to release the Hebrew people. Therefore, the plagues continued as next came a disease on people, boils that refused to heal. Then God brought thunder and hail against the land followed by swarms of locusts that devoured all the crops in the fields. Yet, still Pharaoh refused to yield. Consequently, God brought darkness upon Egypt and finally death to all first-born children; death to all except the children of the Hebrews. It was only then that Pharaoh relented and set the Hebrews free.
    “All these things and more God can do and has done against those who would defy him.” He pointed outwards into the darkness beyond the canopy. “So how is it I know Eire’s darkness fell by God’s Hand? It is because He has done it before! Long ago He brought this very same darkness upon Egypt in retribution against Pharaoh’s arrogance!”
    His still-pointing finger turned towards us, accusing us. “By His Own words God said, ‘Thou shalt not have any gods before Me!’ Many years ago the Holy Saint Patrick, may God rest his immortal soul, decreed in God’s name that you forsake your demons, your blasphemous idols and your pagan ways. And yet, like Pharaoh, you defied God, you refused to obey His command. Now look out there, see the darkness and see God’s vengeance against you and this land for your insolence. Look not for the sun to reappear until each of you renounces your false gods, fall upon your knees, ask His forgiveness for your many sins and swear everlasting allegiance to Him and Him alone!”
    Angry muttering swept through our assemblage of Druids but the bishop ignored it, turned his back upon us and began another prayer.
    “O Heavenly Father…”
    “One moment!” It was my father who spoke. He stood and bowed in the direction of King Máelgarb. “Please pardon my interruption Your Highness. However, with your gracious indulgence I would address this man.”
    The High King nodded and

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