Warrior Blind
such. Perhaps the girl would be best sent back to her own world or to the world of her goddess. She can be away from you, and she will be protected by others.”
    “Absolutely not.   I   will protect her. It is my duty and my right as her   gamata.   Her mate for always.”
    “She never acknowledged your claim. You are not yet her mate.”
    “I spoke it in the presence of the high king, and he did not deny. It is as good as done.” If it wasn’t, he wouldn’t have felt the bonds between them, would he? “I need to get to her. Where is she now?”
    The Laquazzeana waved her hand and the air parted between them. A white glow formed, and in the center of it a great battle raged.
    “Where is this?”
    “Thrun. The Dardaptoan city. The girl was caught in the attack. Look at her. She is beautiful here, isn’t she?”
    Koios looked. His female was there, the Laquazzeana Aureliana and the high prince Renakletos at her side. Like they so often were. This time they protected her as she healed.
    He’d seen her heal once before, in spite of her blindness. The day the Laquazzeana before him had risen the Dardaptoan Aureliana.
    His female lost all timidity when she healed, and her recklessness was evident in the Laquazzeana’s glow. She paid little heed to the fighting around her, as warriors—mostly of the Warrior demon caste—were felled by the creatures they fought. Instead she was running between those she could reach—how could she even see where to go?—and emanating a pale orange light. And she was directing others; healers wearing the blue of their Kind. They looked to   her   to lead. That small, vulnerable female was commanding her own troop of healers.
    He never would have fathomed such.
    “Why is she glowing?”
    More laughter echoed through the cavern. This time the rock walls shook from the force. Koios fought the urge to cover his ears at the sound. “Do you not   know ? The girl isn’t Dardaptoan anymore. And hasn’t been since the moment she made the decision to give her soul to ensure that young Zephra would live. Her sacrifice was noted and the decision was made to accelerate her destiny.”
    “And what destiny is that?”
    “The fates of the worlds rest on her small shoulders. Think you the Laquazzeana would not give her every gift we could to protect her?”
    “Are you saying that she is as you are?” Forever doomed to madness?
    “I’m saying her soul was birthed from mine   before   Aureliana was changed. Now   you   are tasked with keeping her safe. That was why you were chosen. Because through your actions, because of   proximity   alone, you were close enough to act as   her   guardian. To be honest, there is still some doubt amongst my Kind whether or not you are up to the task. I spoke in favor of you, but even I am torn as to whether you can manage. Do not fail me—or her—again.”

    Chapter 10
    HE found her on the edge of the dwindling fight. The Laquazzeana Eaudne was near enough to protect her, but it was still too damned close for Koios’ peace of mind. He could not flash to her, but with the sword he grabbed off a fallen foe he was able to cut a path to his gamata .
    Never again would he allow her so close to a battle. No matter what he had to do.
    Her clothes were soiled and ripped, her hair hung loose in her face, and her skin was far too pale.
    But a faint blue light surrounded her, its warmth drawing the injured in her direction.
    From both sides.
    He saw a Rhacshas demon—filthy little bastards—pawing at his gamata ’s tunic, begging for her care.
    He fought his natural inclination to just dispatch the beast to the end world and be done with it.
    His gamata humbled him in that moment. She put her hands on the filthy beast and began to heal it.
    Koios forced himself to allow her to finish.
    She rocked back, and her shoulders slumped. Her sightless eyes closed
    He stepped over the Rhacshas and bent down. Koios scooped up the female and held her

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