Waking Eden (The Eden Series Book 3)

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Book: Read Waking Eden (The Eden Series Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Rhenna Morgan
properties. The sooner we uncover his secrets and disassemble his infrastructure the better.”
    Fuck. Probably the right course of action where the Rebellion was concerned, but a kink in his plans for digging deep about Little Miss Sunshine. If Trinity worked a straight Monday through Friday shift, then he only had about five more hours to catch her before she left for the weekend, and patience was a pain in his ass.
    Eryx glowered at Wes and Troy. “Get the word out. Any person suspected of participation in Rebellion activities will be brought in and tried. Those willing to come forward of their own volition to share what they know will be considered for special dispensation. Otherwise, they’ll be marked a threat to the race.”
    Eryx opened the door, and Ludan and Jagger filed out in front of him and Lexi.
    “Eryx.” Ramsay shoved from the couch and followed his brother into the hall. “There’s something else we need to talk about.”
    From the main hall, voices filtered down the dark corridor, their two somos already standing sentry at the exit.
    Eryx watched the ellan file past and let out a weary exhale. For a split second, the composed mask he held in place for the world slipped, fatigue weighting his features. “Yeah?”
    Lexi laid her palm on his chest and nestled in the crook of his arm, as though she sought to bolster his strength through touch.
    News of Trinity and her mysterious pendant shriveled on his tongue. Adding more to his brother’s plate would only make it worse, not to mention yank his new shalla around with the possibility she might have relatives. “Just thinking you two should probably take a little time away from the limelight for a few days. I can cover here, and you can get a change of scenery. Maybe head to Evad.”
    Eryx squeezed Ramsay’s shoulder and started down the hallway, Lexi at his side. “Another week or two and I’m gonna take you up on that. Assuming no more flaming piles of shit get tossed in our direction.” He waved over one shoulder without looking back. “In the meantime, handle Maxis’ estate.”
    Ramsay nodded, but it went unnoticed. The newlyweds were too close to register anyone else in their last few moments of privacy. They looked right together. Comfortable. And The Great One knew Eryx had worked his ass off to earn it. Tracking a woman you weren’t one hundred percent sure existed took huge amounts of patience, not to mention a little insanity.
    Not his kind of gig. Relationships were messy. Cumbersome. Dangerous.
    He shook his thoughts off and took two steps into Eryx’s private chambers where Wes and Troy waited. “You two with me.” He spun and headed down the corridor, his warriors’ heavy footfalls behind him. “We’ve got three hours to get squads put together and assigned out. Wes, you’re on point to lead everything at Maxis’ estate. Troy, you’re on the warrior camp.”
    Wes piped up at his left. “Thought you were going to head this up?”
    “I am heading it up. I’m just delegating the grunt work.” And freeing himself up for reconnaissance in a whole different arena.
    They stepped out of the gray stone council foyer and into the bright Myren afternoon. Curious citizens spread out in a peaceful swath at least two blocks deep in all directions. Vendors made the most of the situation with their bright, covered carts.
    “If we’re the grunts, what are you doing?” Troy asked at his right.
    A heady, almost urgent impulse pounded his feet. “I’m going hunting.”

    * * *
    T rinity squeezed the steering wheel , focused on the pretty gold flowers fronting her mother’s tidy white house in lower Greenville, and replayed her new life mantra for the fifteenth time.
    Show up. Listen. Speak your truth. Let go of the results.
    It was time to maintain her boundaries with her mother. Being kind didn’t mean she had to let her mom walk all over her or pummel her with negative crap about her life. She was a single woman out on her own now.

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