Vulcan's Woman

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Book: Read Vulcan's Woman for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer LaRose
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Science-Fiction, Romance
squatted, crossing her arms
over her knees, and rested her chin on the back side of her wrist. “Let’s call
you Birmon.”
    “Don’t trust it. It may be a carnivore.”
    Wisteria froze at the sound of the masculine voice. Slowly
she turned her head and glanced in the direction from where it traveled. Her
insides quivered when she saw Vulcan leaning against a large tree.
    Had he seen her touching herself in the water? She gulped.
Her cheeks burned and then she felt the color disappear from her face.
    “Why are you here alone again?” he asked.
    She thought it best to avoid that question. Not that it was
any of his business anyway. “Are you familiar with this breed?” she asked, her
voice trembling.
    Though mortified, she didn’t sway her gaze from his eyes as
he moved away from the wide trunk and strode forward. No, he couldn’t have seen
her in the water earlier. She would’ve spotted him when she’d looked around and
found Birmon.
    Vulcan’s evenly paced stride brought him close with his arms
folded at his chest. They bulged with muscle and his brows were drawn together
as if he was angry. She’d seen the expression many times on her father.
    “Why didn’t you heed my advice?”
    Apparently he decided to avoid answering her question as
well but that was okay. It was just a bunch of nervous chatter anyway. “I
needed to bathe but none of the women were available to accompany me,” she
lied, which she dreaded all the way to her toes. “And our men are forbidden to
escort anyone but their wives.” That was the truth.
    He nodded once as if he understood but she could tell the
response disturbed him. “Are you familiar with the breed?” she repeated,
focusing her attention on Birmon.
    “No. I’ve never seen one before. Ignore it, Wisteria, and it
may go away.”
    Oh her name flowed from his lips like a subtle wave. Warmth,
more powerful than the sunshine, slithered through her blood. “I tried, but it
followed me here from the nest.”
    “It must be fond of your scent,” he said, halting in the
water directly beside her. He reached down, gently grabbed her hand and helped
her to her feet. “As I am,” he added, his breath bathing her face.
    She swallowed hard and had barely a second to lick her lips
before his mouth descended on hers in a kiss that weakened her knees. Her nose
brushed his cheek and she was blessed with his piney, calming scent. It flowed
through her senses, turning her insides warm and mushy. Her legs wobbled. He
wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her close to his body. Close enough
that his hard manly parts dug into her tummy. Her momma explained a man’s organ
turned hard when preparing to penetrate a woman’s body but she never said that hard. And it appeared too long to enter a woman without causing pain.
    As Vulcan spread her lips with his and slipped his tongue
into her mouth she whimpered and melded against him. She didn’t know what to
do, so she copied the slow, rhythmic motions of his tongue. Kissing was better
than she’d anticipated but she felt almost as naughty as when she’d rubbed
herself. But she wasn’t touching herself now and the same euphoric sensation
invaded her private area. Moisture oozed into her lower garment. The warmth
mixing with the cold, wet strip of leather added a new type of thrill and she
squeezed her thighs together to increase the effect.
    Vulcan released her lips. As he rested his chin on the top
of her head his arms tightened around her waist and he tugged her closer to his
chest. “You don’t know how badly I’ve regretted not kissing you yesterday when
I had the chance.”
    His confession added another new thrill to her reeling
emotions. “You have?” she asked. With her ear pressed against his muscular
breastbone, the echo of her voice vibrated inside his chest.
    “Yes, among other things.” He stepped back and lifted her
face in his palms. His gaze wandered over her lips before taking a languid
stroll to her eyes.

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