    Now Jess had her attention.
    “I’ll have someone bring you a bottle of water.” Jess plucked the travel size box of tissues from her bag and dropped it unceremoniously on the table. “Make that list, Miss Jernigan. Someone will be in to follow up shortly.”
    When Jess had tucked the photos and folders into her bag, she exited the interview room.
    Detective Lori Wells joined Jess in the corridor. Lori had watched the interview from the observation room. “I called for a janitor. Cook’s on his way with a bottle of water to finish up with Jernigan.”
    “Thanks.” Jess appreciated her quick work. Her detectives were particularly good at anticipating her needs. “Let’s track down this benevolent benefactor Richard Ellis.”
    “Already on it.” Lori checked the notes she’d made on her smart phone.
    Jess decided she must be one of the last people on the planet who still used a spiral pad and plain old pencil for note taking. As much as she loved her cell phone, she’d barely mastered texting much less anything else.
    “Ellis has a gallery on Broadway.” Lori tapped a few more keys. “He’s scheduled to speak to a group from Montgomery this morning so he should be there right now.”
    Why in the world was Jess worried about handling whatever the future held? She had the best team in the department supporting her.

    Dan waited for Lieutenant Clint Hayes to make himself comfortable. He chose not to consider that what he was about to do could be problematic in the future on a number of levels, legal and otherwise. If the detective now seated before him wanted to create complications this would certainly give him the ammunition. But it was a chance Dan was willing to take.
    “Thank you for making time to see me this morning, Lieutenant.”
    Hayes grunted a laugh that carried far more disdain than amusement. “You’re the chief of police. Not making time wasn’t an option. My superior insisted I stop what I was doing and come here immediately. How could I say no?”
    So this was how it was going to be. “I’m well aware of your issues with authority, Lieutenant, but let’s set that aside for the moment.”
    Hayes turned his palms up. “It’s your nickel, Chief. We’ll talk about whatever you want to talk about.”
    Dan tamped down his irritation. As much as he’d like to give this cocky SOB a reminder of just who the hell he was addressing, this wasn’t the time for egos. This extra measure he needed to put in place was too important. Dan leaned back in his chair and went for broke. “It’s come to my attention that you’re interested in moving out of Admin and into the field, is that correct?”
    Another burst of curt laughter. “I’ve made about a dozen requests over the past three years only to be turned down each and every time. Did my chief finally run out of excuses to deny my requests?” Hayes shook his head, his expression blatantly indifferent. “Wait, I get it. He needs my spot to bring his niece over from Traffic. She’s bitched about the heat all summer.”
    A new wave of fury blasted Dan. He gritted his teeth and let it pass. “This isn’t about Chief McCord or any of your previous requests, Lieutenant. This isn’t even about what you want. It’s about what I want.”
    Hayes actually showed some interest for the first time since walking through the door. “I’m listening.”
    “I appreciate that, Lieutenant.” Dan worked at keeping his impatience in check. There was no other choice. He had to make this option work. He’d done his research on the detective. Jess had already mentioned him and Dan was well aware just how badly Hayes wanted out of Admin. “I’m certain you’re familiar with the department’s new Special Problems Unit and Deputy Chief Harris.”
    “I am.” The lack of defiance in his voice now confirmed he was paying considerably more attention.
    “There’s an opening in SPU.” The detective sat up a little straighter, and the smug

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