Vibrations: Harmonic Magic Book 1

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Book: Read Vibrations: Harmonic Magic Book 1 for Free Online
Authors: P.E. Padilla
almost immediately.
    He lifted the blinds on the window and saw sheets of water falling in the dim light of the nearby streetlight. When lightning flashed and thunder roared again, he couldn’t help but to jump a little and shiver. He could feel the vibration of the thunder down to his bones
    Vibration? I wonder . Could this be what I have been waiting for? Dressing quickly, he grabbed his water bottle and sipped it to wet his too-dry throat while walking, used the toilet, and headed to his meditation room.
    In the hall, his cat Stoker meowed at him and looked at him quizzically.
    “Hey, buddy. Is the thunder scaring you?”
    The cat stared at him for a moment, narrowed his eyes until they were almost closed, and then headed for the back door. Once there, he meowed again, modulating his sound so that it sounded like a question.
    “You want to go out? Now? There’s water falling from the sky, you know. You’re not going to like it out there.”
    Looking at Sam, Stoker narrowed his eyes and slowly blinked at him again, repeating his questioning meow. He put one paw on the door—claws still in thankfully—and pushed impotently.
    “Ok, but don’t blame me if you get soaking wet. Crazy cat.” He opened the door and the cat, after pausing to decide if his desire to go out was really appropriate, charged out into the yard. Being a cat, in a neighborhood where there were several other cats, the old tom would sometimes disappear for days at a time. Sam thought that maybe he spent time in other people’s houses, eating the other cats’ food. He was independent that way. He may end up wet, but he’d be fine.
    Sam pushed his feline friend from his mind and went to the meditation room. He closed the door, absently rubbed the head of the little statue, and settled himself on the rug.
    He settled into the loose cross-legged position he could hold for hours and began methodically relaxing his body, one part at a time, in preparation for quieting his mind. His rhythmic breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth, relaxed him as he tried to clear his mind of all thought. After a few moments, even the spontaneous peals of thunder did not affect him. He felt like he was in a shell, buffered from the sound.
    Within moments, the familiar light-headed feeling was there, the pitch black background present in Sam’s mind. As he peered deeper into the blackness, he felt the energy of the thunderstorm surrounding him. Though he was still buffered from the sound, he felt a spike in the energy just before the dull sound of the thunder registered each time. He wasn’t sure if it was possible, but the thought he may actually have been feeling the unbridled power of the lightning itself.
    He delved more deeply into the blackness and cleared his mind even further, until an image gradually resolved in the blackness. It was hard to describe. Red, violet, yellow, and, intermittently, green spirals of light danced in the darkness. To him, they looked like the pictures and videos he’d seen of the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights. Mesmerized, he stared at them within his mind for several moments.
    All at once, he picked out patterns in the lights, as if everything had snapped into focus. He could see the lights coruscating around each other, forming an intricate dance that was both beautiful and frightening. The lights appeared to be swirling around something he could not see, as if he was in the middle of a colorful sandstorm and just beyond sight, the sand was pelting a structure or some other object.
    Sam mentally focused on the absence of light and a hole in the colors became clear. The space resembled a tunnel. The implications swirled in Sam’s mind, much like the colors were swirling in, well, his mind. A tunnel within colors made up from vibrations that originated externally, all in his mind’s eye. He wondered what it was and what it could mean.
    A thought came into Sam’s mind suddenly and he decided to try something. In

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