Vengeance (The Kurgan War Book 4)

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Book: Read Vengeance (The Kurgan War Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Richard Turner
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Military, Science Fiction & Fantasy
because he knows you,” retorted Sheridan.
    “Yeah, it could be that.”
    Bodrov dug out his phone and placed a call to get some civilian clothing brought to his hideout. When he was done, he pocketed the gold Cole had laid out and picked up two small plastic cases from the table and gave them to the two Marines.
    Sheridan opened his and looked inside. He scrunched up his face when he saw a small personal wrist phone.  
    “I can see by the look on your face, Mister Sheridan, that you are unimpressed with your new phone,” said Bodrov.
    “I can pick one of these up from any shop for a few dozen credits,” remarked Sheridan.
    “True, but yours is untraceable. Every call and every inquiry you make on the web is recorded by the authorities. If you wish to remain invisible, my phone is the way to go. If anyone were to try to trace you via your phone, they would be in for a big surprise. The latest military grade encryption software is built into your phone. You can use it anywhere in the world and be confident that you’re not being tracked.”
    Cole placed it on his wrist. “I take it that it is fully charged.”
    “Naturally. It will last two weeks before you need to recharge it.”
    “I hope we’re not here on Earth that long,” mused Sheridan.
    Next Bodrov opened a locker, grabbed a couple sets of ultra-lightweight liquid body armor, and placed them on the table.
    Sheridan picked up one of the armored vests and was amazed by how light it was. “This can’t weigh more than a T-Shirt. How on earth can it be expected stop a bullet?”
    “It’s from the army’s testing grounds in Nevada,” explained Bodrov. “Trust me, it’ll stop a bullet, and unlike the armor you wear in the Marine Corps, this will soften and become flexible seconds after stopping a bullet, allowing the wearer enhanced mobility.”
    “When you say it came from Nevada,” said Cole, “you mean you stole it.”
    Bodrov gave a shrug and moved along. He picked up a piece of cloth and gave it to Sheridan. “What does that feel and look like to you?”
    “A handkerchief, I guess.”
    “Exactly. Now, Mister Sheridan, hold that cloth away from you and flick your wrist.”
    Sheridan stepped back slightly and did as he was told. He was amazed when the handkerchief, in the blink of an eye, became rigid. He brought it up to look at it and saw that there was the outline of a knife in the material. Sheridan placed his thumb in the middle of the blade and pushed. The knife fell out into his other hand.  
    “That’s a neat trick,” said Cole. “How does it do that?”
    “Like your body armor, this material reacts to a sudden jolt and changes its composition, becoming as hard as steel,” explained Bodrov.
    Sheridan ran his thumb along the blade of the knife. “Unbelievable. It’s razor sharp!”
    “Leave it,” said Cole. “Trust me, you’ll never use it.”
    “I might.”
    “No, you won’t.”
    “I’m taking a couple anyway.”
    Cole shook his head. “Officers and their toys.” He looked back at Bodrov. “What about micro jammers, do you have any of them?”
    With a smile, Bodrov said, “You’re wearing them.”
    “What, the phones?”
    “Yes. What’s the point of going to all the trouble of making your phone untraceable when you can still be seen by the authorities and tracked that way? The best part is that they react only if you are being targeted. If not, they don’t emit any signal whatsoever.”
    “What’s the point of that?”
    “If we transmitted a signal all the time, our phones’ batteries would die in pretty short order,” explained Sheridan.
    “He’s smarter than he looks,” said Bodrov.
    “Ain’t that the truth, Vlad. You know, I’m going to do all my Christmas shopping with you from now on.”
    Sheridan ignored the quip at his expense. “Can they be turned off manually?”
    Bodrov nodded. “Yes. Tap the face of your watch two times to turn it off and three to turn it back on again. Yours is the

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