When the proper consistency is obtained, store the finished napalm in a tightly sealed container until used. Napalm will keep for months when stored this way.
d. Application.
To use napalm most effectively, it should be spread out over the surface of the material to be burned. This will start a large area burning at once. A match can be used to directly initiate this incendiary. A short time delay in ignition can be obtained by combining Fuse Cord (0101) or Improvised String Fuse (0102) and one of the igniter mixtures found in chapter 3. (For example, several spoonfuls of Sugar-Chlorate mixture (0201) are placed in a nonabsorbent wrapping material. Fuse cord is buried in the center of the igniter mixture and the fuse is taped to the wrapping material. This assembly is placed directly on the napalm. Delay times are determined by the length of fuse. Suitable delay mechanisms are given in chapter 5 for delay times longer than those practical with fuse cord.)
Napalm made with the more volatile fuels should not ordinarily be used with a delay longer than one hour because the liquid fuel evaporates and this can reduce its effectiveness. In very hot weather, or if the napalm is exposed to the direct rays of the sun, it is recommended that napalm be made with fuel oil. In extremely cold weather, it is recommended that napalm be made with gasoline.
The destructive effect of napalm is increased when charcoal is added. The charcoal will readily ignite and the persistent fire from the charcoal will outlast the burning napalm. It is recommended that at least one quart of napalm be used to ignite heavy wooden structures and large wooden sections. A minimum of one-half quart is recommended for wooden structures of small cross section.
a. Description.
This item consists of gasoline which is gelled with small quantities of organic chemicals. The operation is carried out quickly, without heat, by addition of the chemicals while stirring.
This incendiary can be directly initiated by a match flame. However, any igniter listed in chapter 3 can be used in conjunction with specific delay mechanisms found in chapter 5 for delayed ignition of this incendiary.
Gelled gasoline incendiary is readily ignited, long burning, and is suitable for setting fire to large wooden structures and other large combustible targets. It adheres to objects, even on vertical surfaces.
b. Material and Equipment.
Balance or scale.
Spoon or stick for stirring.
Large air-tight container.
Small jar.
One of the following seven additive systems:
c. Preparation.
Determine the amount of gasoline to be gelled and place this amount in the large container.
Caution: Keep this material away from open flames.
Weigh out the appropriate quantity of component A. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of gallons of gasoline by the figure given in the Grams Added Per Gal . Gas. column of systems. (For example, if System 1 is being used and five gallons of gasoline are being gelled, then (5Ã55) or 275 grams of Lauryl amine are required).
Add component A to the gasoline and stir for a few minutes to dissolve.
Caution: Both components A and B are corrosive to the skin. If any of these materials contact the skin, wash the area with detergent and water.
Clean the small container used to weight component A thoroughly or use another container for weighing component B. Weigh out the proper quantity of component B. Calculate the proper amount as mentioned above for component A.
Stir the gasolineâcomponent A mixture rapidly and add all of component B at once, not a little at a time. At the same time that component B enters the mixture, remove the stirring rod and allow a few minutes for the gelling to take place.
Store the gelled gasoline in a tightly sealed container until ready to use. It will keep for months when stored in this manner.
d. Application.
To use gelled gasoline most effectively, it should be
George R. R. & Dozois Martin
Cari Quinn, Emily Ryan-Davis, Suzan Butler, Sadie Haller, Holley Trent, Vivienne Westlake
Michael Boughn Robert Duncan Victor Coleman