heavy and my body fol owed his lead, saying a silent prayer that tomorrow night wed be promised an eternity of fal ing asleep in each others arms.
Wil iam Hayward! a voice shrieked us awake. What do you think youre doing?
Good morning to you too, sunshine, Wil iam replied, fol owed by a yawn.
Dont you sunshine me, Cora warned, her index finger bobbing at him in agitated fits.
Whoa, Wil iam said, propping up on one elbow, keeping me tucked to him with the other. Back it up a few finger wags. Why are you so upset?
Why am I so upset? Why am I so upset? She was as close to fuming as Id seen her.
Wil iam nodded his head, the look of earlier amusement gone from his face.
I expect this,”she pointed both hands at the tangle of Wil iams and my bodies”from her, but you know better. For crud sake, Wil iam, give me a break. I cant keep the whole of the traditional world of Immortals together single-handedly. A little help would be appreciated since Bryns under the impression that tradition is a dirty word. Her face was flushed and she could barely look at me.
Wil iam paused, likely as confused as I was. I mean this with no disrespect, Cora, but I dont know what the heck youre talking about.
My sentiments exactly.
Coras eyes couldnt have popped any farther without dislocating out of their sockets. Dont you dare play games with me, Wil iam Hayward. You know darn wel what Im talking about.
More silence, nothing but the tapping of fingers as Cora pounded them against the stable door. Its early and Im a blundering, forgetful idiot at the moment”you can blame her for my current state. Wil iam glanced down at me in accusation which was received with an elbow to his side. Please show mercy on me in this weakened state and remind me again what Im supposed to know.
I smiled at the way only Wil iam could diffuse a bomb of female emotion. Coras eyes narrowed into slits at me. My smile disappeared as quickly as it had formed.
Because my husband idolizes you and my best friend loves you beyond repair, Il remind you.
Wil iams body relaxed some. Youre a dol , Cora. Whats it again I need reminding of?
Her eyes pointed from me to him, and back again, everything purposeful about it. Its bad luck to see the Betrothed before the Betrothal, she said as if it was the most obvious thing.
I gave up on the hope that Wil iam and I could kiss the morning away; it seemed circumstances outside of our control would be preventing this.
Were not technical y supposed to know were being Betrothed. No one is. How can that be an ancient Immortal custom, tradition, saying . . .
whatever? I asked her, not mincing words in her fit. Cora and I could handle each others temper tantrums, whereas the boys went running at the first sign of a female uprising.
Dont you start with me too, Bryn Michel e Dawson. I felt Wil iams stomach tighten from the laugh begging to be released, but he kept it down. He was a smart man. Today is a big day and I cant orchestrate the most massive event our Al iance has put on in ten years if I have to keep your attitude of epic proportions in check as wel . Her hands flew to her hips. So put on your big girl panties and throw me a bone, wil ya?
Leave it to Cora to fly off the handle over some sil y outdated tradition that had been likely made up in her mind, a girl whod remained calm in the midst of death, persecution, and Immortal war. I could give her one thing, though”Cora knew her priorities and held to them.
Easy, Cor, I encouraged, wiggling out of Wil iams vice-like hold. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Heheho . . . I demonstrated for her as I stood up. I gripped my hands over her shoulders. Heheho, heheho.
She mimicked my masterful breathing techniques Id picked up on television and, despite the recuperative oxygen being a moot point to Immortals, I witnessed the tension melting from her face. Melting slowly.
My big girl panties are firmly in place. I glanced back at Wil iam, sharing a look. Al