Unexpected Mates (Sons of Heaven)

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Book: Read Unexpected Mates (Sons of Heaven) for Free Online
Authors: Brenna Lyons
away. “Do you wish another male?” he challenged.
    She shook her head. It was the last thing she wanted.
    “Then you and all three babies are mine to claim.”
    “You want—?”
    “I intend to claim you before any other male has a chance to. Will you accept the bio chains , if I lay them?”
    Her breathing went strangled, and Meredith nodded frantically.
    He looked at the comm board beside the bed, glaring at it.
    Realization made her gasp. “I know how to call for them,” she admitted.
    One eyebrow went up in surprise. Or maybe challenge.
    “Janice told me how. She said...When I chose a male who was willing to adopt all three babies and...and everything else, I could call for the chains.”
    “Everything else?” There was a warning couched in that.
    “She said no family would accept the situation unless I carried a child created with a donor egg and my...my mate’s sperm. That way, he’ll have a child of his own as well as the adopted children.”
    A sly smile curved his lips and he pulled Meredith into a kiss. “I think it’s time to call for those bio chains .”
    “You’d accept that?”
    “Have I been less than straight-forward in my interactions with you so far?”
    “Well...no, but we both thought that couldn’t go any further.”
    He sighed and pressed a kiss to her lips. “We are sexually compatible. We have interests in common. The babies, for one thing. The Sakk have the technology to make sure we can have children together. Don’t you realize that most Sakk mate without knowing if they are sexually compatible or if they share any interests at all?”
    “And?” Does it really matter if he has feelings for me? Most Sakk don’t consider that in mating. It was unlikely any male she chose would have feelings for her.
    His next kiss was fully carnal. When he broke away, Meredith pressed a hand to his chest, trying to find her elusive balance.
    Okay, a marriage based on that kind of sex wouldn’t be such a hardship.
    He smiled, most likely at her reaction. “I won’t let you choose another male if you have any interest in me at all. That must tell you I have very definitive feelings for you.”
    Yes, but those feelings could be possessive or something warmer. She managed a smile that felt natural.
    His expression softened. “I told you long ago what I wanted to give you, were it possible. It is possible, Meredith.”
    Her heart started pounding at the memory. It was pillow talk. Wasn’t it?
    “Promise me.” He was starkly serious. “Promise me two children, if you are capable of carrying twice. And promise me that you are not choosing me as the lesser of evils.”
    “I promise...as long as we wait until Todd is at least a year old. There are only so many babies I can handle at once.”
    She expected him to argue it. Instead, Jarem laughed heartily. “As you wish.”
    “I’ll give you more children,” she hastened to add. “If the first two are girls... I know you want—”
    Jarem’s mouth closed over hers in a searing kiss that made her head spin. When he pulled away, she was boneless in pleasure, and every muscle in his chest and arms was strung tight.
    “Get the chains. Let me place them.”
    Meredith made her way to the comm board on shaking legs. She entered the code and pulled the chains from the drawer that opened. She tried to hand them to Jarem, but he shook his head.
    He raised his right wrist between them. “Clasp mine on.”
    She had to hold them up to see which was the larger chain. That established, she pulled the male chain around his wrist. “How do I—?” She gasped as the chain snapped together without her working a clasp.
    Jarem’s gasp echoed hers.
    “Are you all right?” she asked, concerned.
    “More than all right.” He smiled. “You’ll see.” He took the remaining chain from her hand. “Do I have permission to lay the bio chain ?” There was an air of formality to the question.
    Meredith nodded and offered her wrist. The chain clicked shut,

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