night . . . unless he
declines Amanda’s invitation.
For some reason she didn’t think he would. But what if he brought his
girlfriend? Jeanne frowned. She didn’t want to see Mat with his girlfriend.
She briefly considered asking Didier to give her a hand during Amanda’s
promotion bash but decided against it. There was no need to stoke the tension
between the two men.
It would be best for everyone if Mat simply didn’t show up.
“Is something wrong? You look preoccupied,” Amanda said.
“Aside from the universe conspiring against me?” Jeanne shrugged and
shook her head. “No, everything’s fine.”
“How enigmatic.” Amanda narrowed her eyes. “But, unfortunately, I’ve got
to get back to the office. We’ll discuss this later.”
She paid and climbed down from the barstool. “So Friday, right?”
“Right,” Jeanne said. “Wine and cheese?”
“You read my mind.”
That night Jeanne left earlier than usual. One could pull only so many
doubles in a row without a break. Besides, she needed a free evening to
reconnect with the people she loved. She hadn’t had a meaningful conversation
with her parents in a while. Her only communication with her brother over the
past months had been a few laconic text messages. And when was the last time
she went out with friends? She’d been too focused on work, which was a smart
thing to do financially and to keep her mind off Mat.
But the downside was piling into a heap too large to ignore.
As she stepped into the lobby, she spotted the concierge polishing the
enormous mirror on one of the walls.
Jeanne approached her and held her hand out. “Hi, I’m Jeanne. My
apartment is right there on the ground floor.”
The concierge gave her a small smile and shook her hand. “Pleased to meet
you. I’m Daniela.”
She reminded Jeanne of Lena. Daniela was small, dark-haired, and doe-eyed
with something unmistakably East European in her features. She looked to be in
her midtwenties. She could have been pretty, Jeanne thought. But as it was,
Daniela wore her hair in the most unflattering style Jeanne had ever seen, hunched
her shoulders, and hid her body in shapeless drab clothes.
“I work at La Bohème up the street,” Jeanne said.
“Oh, I went there a few days ago for a coffee. Nice place.”
Her accent was definitely East European.
“Where are you from?” Jeanne asked.
“Daniela, would it be OK if I asked you to take in parcels for me every
once in a while?”
“Of course. It’s part of my job.”
“Great, thank you!”
It was time to wrap up the conversation and let the woman get on with her
work. But Jeanne had one more question. “Are you alone in the loge?”
Daniela shook her head. “I have a little boy, Liviu. He’s eight.”
Jeanne nodded.
“But he’s a quiet boy. He doesn’t make noise.”
“I know.” Jeanne tugged on her necklace. “Listen, we’re next door
neighbors now, right? So, if you need anything . . . or need
help, just knock on my door or come over to the bistro. OK?”
“You heard the fight a couple of weeks ago, didn’t you?” Daniela asked,
biting her lip.
“It was hard not to.”
“I’m so sorry about that—”
“You don’t need to apologize,” Jeanne cut in. “I just want you to know
you can reach out to me if . . . that guy bothers you again.”
“He’s my boyfriend. He’s a nice guy when he’s sober. He’s good to Liviu,
too. He’s just going through a rough patch after losing his job . ”
Jeanne touched Daniela’s arm. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Welcome
to our building, Daniela.”
After she walked into her apartment and collapsed on the couch, Jeanne
wondered what it was with women like Daniela—and herself—that
pushed them toward the wrong men. Daniela’s was violent. As for her picks, they
were either philandering or already taken. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to fall for
a nice guy for once? A nice available guy.
Someone like
Dave Barry and Alan Zweibel