fire marshal would believe it was nothing more than an accidental death like all the others that were still considered suspect and under investigation by RISEN.
    “Is there a computer?” Reese asked.
    “Melted. I’m sure there’s no way to recover the hard drive. No doubt the Fire Marshall’s office will be back to collect it, regardless. You know, make sure it’s totally hopeless.”
    “Another big, fat nothing.” Reese stepped over the debris littering the floor. “Looks like we’re finished here.” He stole a look at the eastern horizon. “I’m not really interested in getting caught here when the sun comes up. Not good for my complexion.” He slapped Josh on the back as they made their way down the stairs and back to the station.
    Besides, he had a sexy redhead he needed to check up on.

Chapter Three
    Alex led Ronan down the backstairs of O’Malley’s Tavern into the private wine cellars. Her legs trembled with exhaustion, her head fuzzy from the restless night that had passed. Normally her mornings off from the university were spent reconciling the night’s receipts and restocking the bar, perfect activities for a woman on the brink of collapsing. But when Glenn called before dawn saying something had come up unexpectedly, it left Alex responsible for this morning’s appointments. Just as well. She needed to stay busy to keep her mind off her new reality.
    A fire. The death of a colleague. Research gone forever.
    Alex had no doubt her payment for keeping secrets was coming due and collection had already begun.
    “Aye, I’m pleased I get to see your operation.” The heavy brogue of Ronan’s native land pulled Alex from her depressing thoughts. “I didn’t know until recently the wine you brought to work was made and bottled here at the tavern.” The lilting tone of the vampire’s speech was in total conflict with his twitchy movements and instead of relaxing into comfortable chatter with a colleague, Ronan’s incessant prattle was unraveling the last threads of her frayed nerves. “I had no idea it was you and Glenn fermenting the blood wine here at O’Malleys.”
    For most people, the statement would have come across as a casual remark, but from Ronan it sounded like a condescending insult as if they weren’t capable of coming up with a blood mixture that vampires could actually drink to survive. Whatever. Despite the fact that she worked side-by-side at the university with this man, there was something about Ronan that always left her agitated. Get in . Get the wine. Send him on his merry way. She repeated the mantra over and over as she unlocked the heavy wooden door and entered her office, wishing Glenn were here to deal with this vampire.
    “The blood wine has only been available to the general population for the last few years. It’s a closely guarded secret,” she said. “There are few who actually know the blood base comes from Glenn’s pigs. It wasn’t until the tribunal caught wind of it that we really needed to step up production.” The metallic smell of rusted metal and damp wood replaced the cloying odor of Ronan’s spicy cologne. Alex took a great gulp and refocused. “Glenn and I worked on it for decades before we even thought of offering it to the vampires in the area.”
    “So, you let all your customers pick up their product here?”
    She laughed. “Hardly. There are only a few vampires we trust with the location.” She pulled the chain on the low-wattage bulb hanging naked from the ceiling. Its weak light chased away the darkness but not the shadows. Normally, Alex enjoyed the damp quiet of the cellar, but this vampire’s presence made the space feel small and uncomfortable. “We have trusted couriers who pick it up weekly and distribute the wine out to the community. I shudder to think what could happen if everyone knew we made and bottled it here in the cellars of O’Malleys.”
    “Then I feel quite privileged.” Ronan peeked into the adjoining cask

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