
Read Unconditional for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Unconditional for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Lawrence
grip, I tell myself. Shutting the till, I give Joe my full attention. He gives me a heart-breaking smile, and I see a little round dimple in his chin that I haven’t noticed before. I feel an urge to kiss it.
    ‘I wanted to say sorry for last night.’
    This again. Is it his way of telling me he doesn’t like me like that? I’m not one bit sorry, but I don’t say anything, trying to look as if I’m not bothered one way or the other.
    ‘I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you after you had had a scare. I don’t want you to think I was taking advantage.’
    A scare? I realise he’s talking about the guys harassing me at the park, and feel a rush of warmth towards him. How many eighteen-year-old boys worry about taking advantage? Generally, that’s exactly what they’re trying to do.
    ‘It’s okay,’ I say, feeling a bit giddy. ‘I didn’t think you were.’ I don’t want to come right out and say,
I wanted you to kiss me, damn it
    He looks pleased. We meet each other’s eyes for a long moment, and I know I’ve got a goofy grin on my face but I can’t seem to wipe it off, then I see my boss Becky looming behind him looking annoyed.
    ‘Are you serving or what, Ash?’ she says pointedly. Joequickly orders a coffee and she goes into the kitchen after throwing me a warning look. I grimace at Joe.
    ‘Sorry, but she’ll have a fit if I just stand here chatting. It’ll be getting pretty busy soon.’
    ‘That’s okay. I wanted to ask you something.’
    ‘Oh?’ I pass him his coffee, wiping my hands on my apron and wishing I didn’t look such a state. I’ve got a hairnet on and everything, to stop my unruly curls getting in anyone’s food.
    He looks down at his cup, and doesn’t meet my eyes when he speaks.
    ‘I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the cinema Wednesday night. There’s a new thriller out.’
    He’s asking me on a date! An actual date, not a casual meet up at Dannii’s that could mean anything. An actual date.
    ‘Uh, sure.’ He looks as shocked by my acceptance as I am by his offer. We stare at each other, then grin simultaneously.
    ‘Ash, some help please Becky calls from the kitchen and I roll my eyes. Joe laughs and I go in to help her, beaming. In fact, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Becky eyes me suspiciously. By the time I get back out Joe has gone, but there’s a folded piece of paper next to his empty cup with my name on. His number. Grinning wide enough to split my face I slip it into my apron pocket. As soon as I’ve got a minute I’ll text Dannii and see what she’s doing later. I have to talk to someone about this.
    She knows there’s something up the minute I walk in. I’m still beaming, and she looks at me in surprise.
    ‘What’s up with you? Work couldn’t have been that exciting.’
    I smile mysteriously as I sit on the sofa. Or at least, I tryto make it mysterious but I’m still grinning like a Cheshire cat so it probably doesn’t have the desired effect. Dannii flops down next to me and looks at me impatiently. Her parents seem to be out, yet again. Sometimes I envy Dannii her freedom, but I can’t imagine Mum being so blasé about what I’m up to.
    ‘Have you seen Dean or Joe this weekend?’ I ask, trying to prolong the suspense. Dannii raises an eyebrow.
    ‘Dean, yes. Joe, no. Why?’
    Unable to hold back any longer I launch into the full story, starting with my walk home from Rianne’s and finishing with his impromptu visit to Poppy’s this morning. I barely pause for breath, and I’m flushed and excited by the time I’m finished. But Dannii has a funny expression on her face. I was expecting squealing and suggestions for what to wear Wednesday, not an awkward silence.
    ‘What?’ I ask, sounding more than a touch defensive. Dannii looks down at her hands, then back up at me. She has a concerned look on her face, but something about it just doesn’t ring true.
    ‘It’s just, are you sure you want to go out with him, Ash? I

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