has 46 legs, but other centipedes have as many as 350. Millipedes can have up to 750 legs!
Q: Why doesn’t a mayfly have a mouth?
A: Because it has a life span of only one or two days, and doesn’t eat. (It does eat in its immature stage, when it’s called a naiad .)
• It’s against the law to sing off-key in North Carolina.
• You may be headed straight for jail if you dare to wear New York Jets clothing in Ada, Oklahoma.
• Don’t box with a kangaroo in Myrtle Creek, Oregon. The law forbids it. (There are kangaroos in Oregon?)
• It’s illegal to sleep on top of a refrigerator outdoors in Pennsylvania.
• Curb your appetite! No one is allowed to bite off another person’s leg in Rhode Island.
• In Charleston, South Carolina, the fire department is legally permitted to blow up your house.
• In Texas, it’s illegal to sell your eye.
• It may be inconvenient, but you’re not allowed to wash your mule on the sidewalk in Culpeper, Virginia.
• Kirkland, Illinois, law forbids bees to fly through any of its streets. (Has anyone told the bees?)
• Whew! It’s against the law for a monster to enter the city limits of Urbana, Illinois.
• In Zion, Illinois, you are not permitted to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, or other animals kept as pets.
• It’s illegal to go whale fishing in Nebraska.
• In Hartford, Connecticut, it’s against the law to educate a dog.
• In Chicago, Illinois, you’re breaking the law if you fish in your pajamas.
• You’ll just have to let your nose run in Waterville, Maine, because it’s illegal to blow it in public.
• In Louisiana, it’s against the law to gargle in public.
• The state of Massachusetts absolutely forbids dueling with water pistols.
• Not that you’d want to, but teasing skunks is against the law in Minnesota.
• If a child burps during a church service in Omaha, Nebraska, his or her parents may be arrested.
• In New Jersey, it’s illegal to slurp your soup.
• Oklahoma law prohibits anyone from making “ugly faces” at dogs.
• Don’t whistle underwater in Vermont. It’s against the law. (But how do you do it, anyway?)
• According to Washington State law, you may not pretend your parents are rich.
• In Mesquite, Texas, it’s illegal for children to have “unusual haircuts.”
• In a group of 23 people, there is a 50% chance that two of them will have the same birthday.
• When it’s written out as “forty,” 40 is the only number whose letters are in alphabetical order.
• A two-inch-diameter garden hose will carry four times as much water as a one-inch-diameter hose.
• If a person had started counting the moment they were born and continued without stopping until they turned 65, they still wouldn’t have counted to a billion.
• Roll the dice. If one die reads “three,” what’s on the opposite side? Four. How do you know? The numbers on opposite sides of a die always add up to seven.
• In case you ever want to call the White House with a comment, the phone number is (202) 456-1111.
• Try this on a calculator: What is 11,111,111 multiplied by itself? 123,456,787,654,321
• If you counted all the black spots on all the dalmations in every scene of 101 Dalmatians , you’d see 6,469,952 of them.
• To date, the year 1888 requires the most Roman numerals: MDCCCLXXXVIII.
• In a survey of 500 historians, Warren G. Harding was voted the worst president in American history.
• President Andrew Jackson believed the Earth was flat.
• The tallest president was 6’4” Abe Lincoln; the shortest was James Madison, at 5’4”.
• Julie Nixon, daughter of 37th president Richard Nixon, is married to David Eisenhower, grandson of 34th president Dwight Eisenhower.
• President Jimmy Carter’s boyhood home was built from plans purchased from a Sears catalog.
• The U.S. interstate highway system was the brainchild of President
Fern Michaels, Rosalind Noonan, Marie Bostwick, Janna McMahan