Two To The Fifth

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Book: Read Two To The Fifth for Free Online
Authors: Piers Anthony
Tags: Humor, Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult
“You—cough—despicable— cough—scheming—cough—lout!”
    “Maybe you shouldn't have kissed me,” he remarked as the dust settled out of the air around them.
    She changed to whirlwind form, but it too was racked by coughing. Its winds went yon and hither, randomly, unable to maintain a tight circle.
    Cyrus walked along the path that was becoming visible again. Dusty resumed devil form and intercepted him. “You—cough—tricked—cough—me! I—cough—ought—cough—to—cough—kiss you—cough—into—cough—oblivion!”
    “I'd like to see you try,” he said amicably as he strode along.
    She jammed up against him, bringing her face to his. But she was so wracked by coughs that she couldn't complete the act. “Bleep—cough—it!” she swore. “Bleep—cough—it—cough—to—cough—cough!” She was unable to finish.
    “This way.” he said, pausing. He caught her by her heaving shoulders, brought her in close, and kissed her on the forehead.
    “COUGH you!” she said villainously. “If I—cough—could just—cough—get my breath—”
    “To be sure.” He let her go and stepped off the path into the castle proper. He had made it through the third Challenge.
    Chapter 3: Assignment
    A woman was waiting for him just within. “Welcome, Cyrus Cyborg,” she said, looking him in the eye. “I am Wira, the Good Magician's daughter in law. He is busy at the moment, but Sofia and I will give you the necessary background.”
    “For your Assignment. Your Service. It is important.”
    “But I don't have my Answer yet.”
    “That relates. This way, please.”
    He followed her, two fifths bemused. He knew of Wira, of course; she was in his memory bank as Magician Humfrey's favorite daughter in law. But there was something odd about her. About the way she had looked him in the eye.
    That was it, “You're not blind!” he exclaimed.
    “Not any more,” she agreed. “But I am not yet fully acclimatized to vision, so tend to close my eyes when navigating the castle. It's more comfortable.”
    “But how—?”
    “It is a long and dull story. Nimby gave me sight.”
    Nimby. That was the donkey-headed dragon aspect of the Demon Xanth, another long story. Certainly he was capable of doing it, if he chose. “I see. As it were.”
    Wira smiled. She was an older woman, fifty-six chronologically, thirty-four physically, because she had been youthened to marry the Good Magician's son. But she was pretty when she smiled. “There is much to be seen,” she agreed.
    They came to what looked like an expanded closet. There was a drab woman sorting a huge pile of socks. “This is Sofia Socksorter, the Designated Wife for this month,” Wira said.
    Then, to the woman: “Mother Sofia, this is Cyrus Cyborg, the querent. He needs background.”
    Sofia looked up. “Hello, Cyrus. I never met a cyborg before.” She had a strong Mundane accent, “I must say, you are a handsome specimen.”
    He was beginning to regret being created handsome. It seemed that most of the women he encountered had inclinations to do something with him, regardless whether he properly understood the details of it. Even someone's wife? That made him nervous, “I believe I am the first cyborg in Xanth,” Cyrus said. “Which relates to my Question for the Good Magician. I need to know whether there is any suitable woman for me, and if so, where I might find her.”
    She nodded wisely, “Of course you wouldn't be satisfied with just any young woman who is attracted to your face. You'll be looking for one who truly appreciates your nature. And for that Answer you will embark on a remarkable secret mission.”
    This was news. Evidently this woman did have information he wanted. He knew the Good Magician was apt to be very brief and taciturn—in simple terms, grumpy—so was unlikely to provide much beyond a technical response. It was surely worthwhile talking to Sofia.
    “May I help you with your chore?” he

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