Two Notorious Dukes

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Book: Read Two Notorious Dukes for Free Online
Authors: Lyndsey Norton
wall and panted
as if she’d just run across London, sucking in huge
amounts of air. ‘I’m sorry.’ She gasped, ‘but I can’t bear
to be touched by a stranger.’
Into this strange scenario stumbled Johnny
Argyll, nursing a hangover. ‘Damn me, Robbie, but what
are you doing in the hall?’ he asked in astonishment.
‘I was just escorting Lady Elizabeth to a meeting
with the Earl of Craanford.’
‘Craanford!’ Argyll spat vehemently and looked
at Lady Elizabeth. ‘Don’t leave her alone with the
blackguard then!’
‘I shan’t.’ Robert said coldly. ‘But you can tell me
about him later.’ He murmured as he turned again to
follow Lady Elizabeth.
He allowed her to lead the way and was content
to watch her small frame move through the vast house.
She was so dainty and fragile looking, that Robert, like
most decent men, was immediately protective of her.
She arrived at the door to the study and stood there
with her eyes closed, as if she was marshalling her
strength for a confrontation.
‘Is there something I should know, in advance?’
Robert asked softly. She shook her head and opened the
door. Robert followed her in, closed the door quietly
and leaned against it in a nonchalant manner, with his
arms folded over his broad chest.
Craanford was a dandy. He was dressed in a
lavender coloured silk coat, with white silk britches, silk
stockings and shiny patent leather dancing slippers with
silver buckles on them. His shirt was the finest lawn and
the silk cravat was a work of art and tumbled in layers of
lace down his shirt front. His tall foppish hat was the
same colour as his coat and had been discarded on the
desk, along with his silver topped walking cane.
‘Ah! At last!’ Craanford said scathingly. Then he
looked at Robert and said ‘I’m afraid we haven’t been
formally introduced, so you can wait outside.’
‘He is nobody you need to know and he stays
here!’ Elizabeth spat without any finesse. ‘What do you
want Alexander?’ she demanded harshly.
‘You know what I want.’ He said evasively.
‘No!’ she said in horror. ‘I have said no five times
now. The answer is no!’
‘But it is my duty as your cousin to look after
your interests. It is by no means assured you will find
another offer like mine.’ He said spitefully. ‘Nobody
really wants second hand goods!’ he finished so
maliciously that Robert stood up straight and dropped
his hands to his sides. ‘After all, you were well used by
my cousin.’
Robert was horrified to hear such venom in his
voice and he certainly didn’t like the vicious gleam in his
eyes, but Elizabeth hadn’t finished yet and he came to
admire her strength of character in that room.
‘Well used is correct!’ she said harshly. ‘And
after that...’ she paused to find the right word
‘... monster was dead I vowed on the family bible that I
would never let another man touch me! So, Alexander
Audley, Earl of Craanford. You have had your answer. IT
IS NO!!’ she shouted right up into his languid face, as
she had stepped forward with every word. Even Robert
at the door was convinced of her earnestness and he
certainly didn’t doubt the fire in her beautiful green
‘I would retreat, if I were you old man!’ Robert
said suddenly. ‘Looking at the expression in those eyes,
I’d say you have two minutes before she brains you with
the fire iron!’
It was as if he hadn’t spoken. Craanford towered
over Elizabeth, but she bravely stood her ground.
‘You’re mine.’ Craanford whispered viciously. ‘As all of
my cousins estate is now mine!’
‘Isn’t it fortunate that women are only the
property of their Husband !’ she said coldly, ‘and cannot
be entailed away with the rest of the estate!’ She raised
her hand and pointed a finger at him. ‘You have his
title,’ she poked him in the chest to emphasize her
words; ‘his money, his properties and still you are not
satisfied. You come here to demand my hand and I have
said no. I have now

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